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无疑,富于想象的你还能想起别的。Doubtless imaginative readers can think of others.

是宝乐山庄最为强劲有力的葡萄酒之一。It is doubtless the most vigorous wine of our range.

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毫无疑问,这信念表现在她紧锁的眉尖上。The conviction doubtless showed in the cloud on her brow.

当然了,灵魂能思考,所有的事情Well, the soul thinks about all sorts of things, doubtless.

我想我一定是对的,但他用怀疑的目光看着我。I think I am doubtless right, but he looked at me doubtfully.

我争论说债务人很可能处在双重困境中。I debated that the debtor was doubtless in double troubles.

前工党领袖尼尔?基诺克打算帮忙是确定无疑的。Neil Kinnock, a former Labour leader, doubtless meant to help.

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您当然希望我是一个非常怪僻的人物。Doubtless you wish to make me appear a very eccentric character.

他肯定会谋求另外的手段来满足他那不可告人的感情。He will doubtless seek other means of satiating his dark passion.

如有大难临头,很多人会惊慌失措。Many will doubtless be thrown into panic should a disaster strike.

毫无疑问,这些人个个都可被同时代的人称为幸运者。Each of these people was doubtless called lucky by some contemporaries.

母亲怀着一个不便倾述的遗憾离去了,这是毋庸置疑的。Mother had gone with an unrevealed regret in heart, this was doubtless.

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任何一套有着大把装备的白色套牌都会满上四个。Any white deck with a lot of equipment would doubtless play four of these.

如果您曾经不得已执行过类似的操作,那么肯定对这个过程很熟悉。If you've ever had to do this before, you're doubtless familiar with the process.

它极淡极淡,但若细细啜饮,却也能尝出一丁点儿的甜味来。It tastes insipid yet a slow sipping will doubtless yield a wee bit of sweetness.

无疑此前的奥斯卡提名将使得他不会参加今年的金酸梅。Doubtless a prior engagement will prevent him from attending the Razzies this year.

耳轴开合桥是芝加哥最出名的桥的种类之一。Trunnion bascule bridges are doubtless one of the renowned bridge types in Chicago.

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如果拿破仑早生2000年,他无疑会被奉为神明。If Napoleon had lived 20 centuries ealier, he would doubtless have been apotheosized.

如果拉登真的快玩完了,毫无疑问一些矛盾心理将在舆论中产生。If bin Laden really is dying, the news would doubtless be greeted with some ambivalence.

你毫无疑问是一个性格外向的人并且你的桌子可能成为办公室中大家喝咖啡时的聚集地。You are a doubtless an extrovert and your desk is probably the coffee hub of the office.