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他是冈比亚人,一个非裔基督徒。He’s an African Christian.

蓝军旗帜飘荡在南非的天空。Italian Azzurro on African sky.

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取材于非洲狮追捕猎物。Prey capture by the African lion.

非洲人类锥虫病的类型Forms of human African trypanosomiasis

也许非洲森林变得稀薄。Maybe the African forests thinned out.

卢旺达是非洲的耶教国家。Rwanda is an African Christian country.

也有非洲人的后裔,and there are people of African descent

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但是没有非洲领导人参会。But there were no African leaders there.

一些非洲部落在脸上乱划。Some African tribes scarify their faces.

非洲象的平均寿命大约为70年。African elephants average about 70 years.

绿色杠条代表黑人。The green bars are the African Americans.

非洲鬼鱼仅靠水生存。The African Ghost Fish Live only on water.

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果肉可吃的、葫芦状非洲水果。African gourd- like fruit with edible pulp.

南浪南非是一个美丽的花。Nerine is a beautiful South African flower.

一些人指责法院存在反非洲的偏见。Some accuse court of an anti- African bias.

Babiana南非是一个美丽的花。Babiana is a beautiful South African flower.

Eucomis南非是一个美丽的花。Eucomis is a beautiful South African flower.

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北非沙漠的一种羚羊。Genus of antelopes of north african deserts.

流浪狗可能带有非洲斑疹伤寒疾病。Stray dogs may carry African Typhus disease.

这些非洲“原住民”正因为它们的肉而被猎杀。The African natives are hunted for bushmeat.