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一束头发散落在她的耳朵上。A wisp of hair straggled across her ear.

一缕秋风一缕伤,一阵秋雨一阵凉。A wisp wind a wound, a cool autumn rain.

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不带走一片云彩。Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away.

炊烟旋绕。A wisp of smoke is curling up from a chimney.

石头如一缕烟般流入书房。Stone flowed into the room like a wisp of smoke.

一缕轻烟在林间袅袅升起。A thin wisp of smoke straggled up through the trees.

血光喷薄之后,露出清晨第一缕阳光。Blood gushing out of light, the first wisp of sunshine.

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她的爸爸是一名医生,他鼓励女儿在学业上有所成就。But this flat-chested wisp of a girl is no Dolly Parton.

可是没看到金缕玉衣真是遗憾呢!But didn't see a gold wisp jade dress is really a regret!

却挂小帘钩,一缕炉烟袅。Curtain was hanging hook small, delicate wisp of smoke oven.

一点云便能把月牙遮住,我的将来是黑暗。Any wisp of cloud could cover a crescent moon. My future was dark.

徒留一缕忧伤,飘散在曾经的眸中。Leave a wisp of sorrow, once released into the atmosphere in the eyes.

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宾克小时候的一个朋友就跟着鬼火,再也没有回来。One of Bink's childhood friends had followed the wisp and never returned.

生命被形容为一滴朝露,一名快跑者,一次呼吸,一缕轻烟。Life is described as a mist, a fast runner, a breath, and a wisp of smoke.

一束束草心皮在位于南达科他的国家公园荒地里迎风起舞。Wisp grass seedpods sway in the wind in South Dakota's Badlands National Park.

对镜梳妆深浅,照看粉黛着装,参差抹泪,沾衣一缕莫白。To look after her mirror shades, dress, in tears, with a wisp of Mo white clothes.

偶尔,几缕瑟瑟的风从衣摆处溜进来与我的双臂为伴。Occasionally, a wisp gusts of wind from the garment place slip in company with my arms.

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一缕清香使我颇乱的心变得如此的平静,顿时觉得心旷神怡。Wisp fragrance makes me quite chaotic heart become so calm, suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

一缕白烟消散,一只水鸭子像断线的风筝,从半空中坠下。A wisp of white smoke dispersed to reveal a duck falling from the sky like a stringless kite.

一小股烟从爆发后的圣海伦斯火山蛋壳型的火山口倾泻而出。A wisp of smoke escapes from Mount St. Helens’ dramatic eggshell-shaped crater after an eruption.