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如果投影仪死机了怎么办?What if your projector dies?

多动症就像幻灯机。ADHD is like a slide projector.

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家用镭射投影机-LinkHome Built Laser Projector -Link

谁知道如何使用幻灯机?Who knows how to work the projector?

您的房间有幻灯机吗?Do you have a projector in your room?

把你的投影片放在投影机上。Put your transparency on the projector.

请教我如何使用这部幻灯机好吗?Could you show me how this projector works?

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安迪叹口气,头斜靠在放映机上。Andy sighs, cocks his head at the projector.

阿索卡将全息投影仪按在她的胸前。Ahsoka pressed the holo- projector on her chest.

接下来,我的电脑不能读取投影机设备。Then I couldn’t get my computer to talk to my projector.

你现在还能找到8毫米电影的投影机吗?Where would you find a projector for an 8mm film these days?

它的应用范围也大大超出传统的幻灯机。Its application also outruns traditional projector consumedly.

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可以考虑利用一个活动挂图,投影仪或者一个黑板。Consider using a flip chart, overhead projector or a blackboard.

将负片记录之一放入投影器的物平面内。Place one of the negative records in the projector object plane.

中岛先生,我来询问电影放映机价格。Hello, Mr Nakajima. I'm here to ask you about the movie projector.

UHP投影机灯泡由硼硅酸盐玻璃和熔凝石英制成。UHP Projector lamps are made of borosilicate glass and fused quartz.

由数个照明单元加上会聚透镜则构成一个基本的照明系统。Several such lighting units make a basic lighting system of projector.

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如果启用,投影器将用正交替代透视投影。If enabled, the Projector will be Ortho Graphic instead of perspective.

上述“毒品投射器”就在靠近亚利桑那州的墨西哥境内被查获。" The "drug projector" in Mexico near the Arizona territory to be seized.

能量束从颤抖着的神殿号过载的发生器冲出。The overcharged energy projector sent a shudder through the Incorruptible.