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他的本国同胞伏打指出,情况并非如此。His compatriot Volta showed that this was not so.

在四分之一决赛中,马琳击败了他的同胞王励勤。Malin defeated his compatriot Wang Liqin in the quarter final.

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刘翔的同胞史冬鹏以13秒56的成绩完成比赛。Liu's compatriot Shi Dongpeng finished second in 13.56 seconds.

孔子这时才惊醒过来,知道这位老乡,实非等闲之辈。Confucius awoke and knew his compatriot was not an ordinary person.

你觉得这对少爷的将来会有怎样的影响?Q. What is your reaction to the future of compatriot Nelson Piquet?

他相信他和他同国的学生是未来的领袖。He believes that he and his compatriot student are the future leader.

不过,现在有很多女同胞对这句话很不满意。However , many of female compatriot are dissatisfied with this sentence.

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澳大利亚的克里斯·罗伯逊在决赛中击败了自己的同胞克里斯·迪特马。Chris Robertson of Australia beat his compatriot Chris Dittmar in the final.

她的同胞师姐杰普科斯盖获得亚军。Her compatriot female apprentice outstanding Pu the Coss lid takes the second place.

巴普蒂斯塔赞赏巴萨的比赛风格,以及同胞罗纳尔迪尼奥的技术。Baptista is an admirer of Barca's style of play and the skills of compatriot Ronaldinho.

他的最后成绩505.65优秀得无法超越--领先他的同胞吴玉通60.10分。His final result 505.65 was great and unbeatable ? 60.10 ahead of his compatriot Yutong.

然而,他在决赛中却惨遭排名世界第七的德国同胞迈克尔·施蒂希横扫。However, he lost in straight sets to his German compatriot and World No. 7 Michael Stich.

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那年那月,老师和校长都在早上集会时,祝福遥远的同胞。That day, Teachers & Principal were leading prayer for blessing our compatriot in distance.

他是个留着骇人长发绺的黑人男孩,也是弗雷德和乔治·韦斯莱最好的朋友和搭档。He is a black boy with dreadlocks and is best friend and compatriot of Fred and George Weasley.

俄罗斯小提琴家列奥尼德科冈的职业生涯所掩盖的是他的同胞大卫奥依斯特拉赫的。Russian violinist Leonid Kogan's career was overshadowed by that of his compatriot David Oistrakh.

顽石创意为侨委会设计的文化网页。The culture web page designed for the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission by Bright Ideas Design.

周洋打破了队友王濛保持的女子1000米记录。Zhou Yang broke the women's 1000-meters record, beating the previous mark held by compatriot Wang Meng.

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郑洁的同胞彭帅,在随后的比赛中以1-6,5-7不敌俄罗斯16号种子佩特洛娃淘汰出局。Zheng's compatriot Peng Shuai, however, lost to Russian 16th seed Nadia Petrova 1-6, 5-7 in a later match.

他说签下西尔维斯特已经没有希望,他认为自己的同胞将会回到曼联。He holds no further hope of snaring Silvestre, however, insisting his compatriot will remain in Manchester.

当我的同胞因为争取权利而牺牲时,我选择当好一个顺民。When my compatriot because of strives for when the right sacrifices, I choose work as good peaceful populace.