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首先,帮助他评估他的生活。First, assist him in evaluating his life.

闻是评价茶的重要组成部分。Smelling is an important part of evaluating tea.

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评价是否胃分流术术前准备是否完善Evaluating if you're ready for gastric bypass surgery

只有在评价脂肪变性等级时,有较好的一致性。Agreement was good only when evaluating steatosis grade.

答案,是因为,逃逸速度的计算。Well, the answer lies in evaluating the escape velocity.

我们提出了一个在北京广泛使用的评标方法。We present a method for evaluating bids widely used in Beijing.

评估并批判各种的基地发展计划替选方案。Evaluating and critiquing alternative site development proposals.

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评估你的健康水准并不存在一个通用的程式。Evaluating your fitness level is not a one-size-fits-all process.

将模糊数学应用于水质评价中。The illegibility mathematics is used for evaluating water quality.

同时还给出了一种估算评判子函数的方法。A method for evaluating the Bayes Judge function is also presented.

经过证明,CPV可作为一种淡水水质评价的新方法。CPV is attested to be a new method of evaluating freshwater quality.

回顾此次战争,很多人都在考量这些努力到底值不值。Looking back, many are evaluating whether the endeavor was worth it.

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SIDRA软件是交叉口设计和评估的工具。SIDRA is an efficient tool in designing and evaluating intersection.

本文应用秩和比法对医院的护理工作进行了综合评价。Rank-sum ratio was applied to evaluating the nursing work in hospital.

她表示,越南当局正在评估顺化所发生的事件。She said that Vietnamese authorities are evaluating the events in Hue.

评估商业贷款申请的四个步骤是什么?What is the four-part process in evaluating a commercial loan request?

高兰尼现在仍在评估温室气体的测量结果。Gollany is still evaluating results of the greenhouse gas measurements.

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他们以这方面的作为衡量未来损失的尺度。They then made this experience a yardstick for evaluating future losses.

科学是评价建筑创作的重要尺度。Science is the important measurement of evaluating architecture creation.

总部在伦敦的巴克莱说他们正在评估该计划的价值。Barclays, based in London, says it is evaluating the benefits of the plan.