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其中很大一部分是在讨论评价和赋予。A lot of it deals with appraisal and bestowal.

他认为赋予可以被简化为评价。He thought bestowal could be reduced to appraisal.

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所以在关于评价和赋予的问题上。So that on this question of appraisal and bestowal.

我们讨论过范诺伊的赋予和评价。We've talked about Vannoy on bestowal and appraisal.

你们还想继续讨论赋予和评价么?Do you want to pursue bestowal and appraisal further?

第二部分,对赠与合同的性质进行了研究。The second part analyses the nature of the bestowal contract.

能力和忠诚作为授予官职的前提条件and fidelity indispensable prerequisites to the bestowal of office

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几年徒劳无益的服务,在论功行赏时就大有关系。The years of ineffectual service count big in the bestowal of rewards.

一片叶子变成一个女孩儿,并且,出身高贵,赋予更多了么?When a leaf becomes a lady or thought to be a highborn lady, is there more bestowal?

但如果你发现两人真的有彼此赋予彼此爱,确实有赋予彼此爱,那么这就会是一段很美好的感情。But if you find that bestowal happens, that there is bestowal then it's a good relationship.

对我来说,这是一种具有创造力的天赋,和赋予有关,我努力想有这种天赋,但结果不太理想。For me, that's a creative gift related to bestowal that I'm struggling to bring about but don't succeed very well.

那样愉快的踏步,那样和蔼的点头,那样亲切的招手,现在我们还能在哪里看到啊?That merry stamping, that gracious nodding of the head, that waving bestowal of the hand-where can we see them now?

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在西周铜器铭文中,有一种赏赐物称为「金甬」,当前学界习将此器释为「车轴上的青铜套子」。"Bronze Yong, " a bestowal bronze products found in Western Chou, is usually interpreted as "the bronze cover over the axle.

另一点是我挑出了,一个很长的章节,叫做“重论评价与赋予“,是这个名字么,艾文?Another point about that is I singled out the long chapter called, Appraisal and Bestowal Revisited Is now what typed like, Even?

同时国内学术界对赠与合同也缺乏全面的研究,大都囿于赠与合同诺成性与实践性之争。The studies on the bestowal contract are only concerned on the dispute about whether it is acceptance contract or practice contract.

就是在这种情况下,评价的态度,可以转化为爱的态度因为,赋予和评价的结合。And it's at that point, that the appraise attitude can turn into a loving attitude because of the combination between bestowal and appraisal.

我尤其留意在我最后一次临世星球上所发生的情形,然而,这里的境况必须要从各个方面做好准备。I am particularly mindful of what happens here on my final bestowal planet, however, and the circumstances here must be ready in all aspects.

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有人可能认为末时期这么大的属灵祝福降临是为了提供战胜罪恶的能力,预备悔改。Some may assume that the purpose of such an end-time bestowal of spiritual blessing is to provide victory over sin, preparatory to translation.

二者在按照基督麦克艾顿的愿景、在他赠与的星球上建立一种新的生活上缺一不可。Neither is workable without the other in building a new type of existence in alignment with Christ Michael Aton's vision for his bestowal planet.

同时,存在本身也是展示着的,这个解蔽的过程是其自身二重性的遣送与允诺,存在本身的无蔽是一种自身敞开的幽深式的显现。Of course, Being itself is also unfolding, the disclosing means its dispensation and bestowal of its duality. Being shows itself as deep and serene.