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试一下氮气。Let's try nitrogen.

对于氮气我们知道什么?Well, we know nitrogen has what?

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氮气与油不混相。Nitrogen is not miscible with oil.

氮就是其中的一个副产品。Nitrogen is one of the byproducts.

大气中也主要是氮气。The atmosphere is mostly nitrogen.

你能从空气中把氮气分离出来吗?Will you sunder nitrogen from air?

这是种固氮菌。This bacteria can lay down nitrogen.

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压缩空气系统和制氮机。Compressed air systems, and nitrogen.

有三个未成键电子在氮原子中。Three unpaired electrons in nitrogen.

树木也依赖于氮气才能生长。Trees also depend on nitrogen to grow.

液态氮冰淇淋和纸杯蛋糕。Liquid nitrogen ice cream and cupcakes.

用来使氮液化的过程。A process that is used to liquefy nitrogen.

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快中子也可以被氮吸收。Fast neutrons are also captured by nitrogen.

氮化物同样会引起气候变化。Nitrogen also contributes to climate change.

这显示的是哪个元素?对,是氮。Which element is shown here? Yeah, nitrogen.

记住,氮没有警告性特征!Remember, nitrogen has no warning properties!

血尿素氮及肌酐检查正常。The urea nitrogen and creatinine were normal.

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但豆类植物却为土壤制造氮肥。LegumsLegumes put nitrogen back into the soil.

气体中四分之三的气体都是氮气。More than three-fourths of the gas is nitrogen.

一个个加,氮气以2s2,2p3开始。Let's add them. Nitrogen we start with 2s2, 2p3.