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西顿夫人大笑着表示同意。Mrs Seton laughed in agreement.

对照组则采用传统的低切高挂法手术治疗。Control group use the traditional slow cutting seton.

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债券市场和西顿所有遭受极度破坏他们的汽车。Skelton , Bond and Seton all suffered extreme damage to their cars.

乔纳斯不敢侵扰他弟弟和西顿的美妙时刻。He dared not intrude on the magical moment between his brother and Seton.

西顿走上楼去,打算给她姐姐打电话,她姐姐曾经住在卡拉汉家。Seton went upstairs to call her sister, who had once lived with the Callahans.

西顿在家教育是其中一类在家是混淆了一个教条。Seton Homeschooling is one of the categories of homeschooling that is confounded with a dogma.

你想让西顿认为你是个傻瓜,尽管你的确是一个傻瓜,但是你想让她彻底相信。You wanted Seton to think you're an idiot, which you are, but you wanted her good and convinced.

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他的女儿金姆现在33岁,当时是新泽西州纽瓦克霍尔大学法学院的学生。His daughter, Kim, now 33, was in law school at Seton Hall University in Newark, New Jersey, at the time.

西顿夫人告诉她,虽然什鲁斯伯里伯爵和伯爵夫人都已人到中年,然而却是新婚不久。Mrs Seton told her how the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury, though both middle-aged, had not been married long.

对于农夫之女如此口无遮拦,女王感到惊讶,她向西顿夫人翻了翻白眼。The Queen of Scots rolled her eyes at Mrs Seton to express her astonishment at the presumption of the farmer's daughter.

祝贺雄鹿队助理教练阿德里安-格里芬,他将在2010年进入塞顿·霍尔大学体育名人堂。Congratulations to Bucks assistant coach Adrian Griffin, who will be inducted into the Seton Hall Athletics Hall of Fame on February 4, 2010.

以美国西东大学图书馆为案例,介绍矩阵结构在美国大学图书馆的应用。By taking Seton Hall University library as an example, this paper introduces the application of matrix structure in American academic libraries.

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格里芬,在大东区联盟历史上得分排第18位,在塞顿·霍尔大学时曾获得大东区年度最佳运动员称号。Griffin, the 18th leading scorer in Big East basketball history, was named the Big East Basketball Scholar-Athlete of the Year while at Seton Hall.

西东大学随时准备好为本项目学员来学校参加毕业典礼提供签证及交通方面的支持。SHU is open to issue visa and provide local transportation to graduates from this program to take part in the commencement at Seton Hall University.

受访者来自美国宾夕法尼亚州格林斯堡西顿希尔综合学院莱克伊利湖大学正骨疗法医学马克A.w.安德鲁斯,生理学主任教授。Mark A. W. Andrews, director and professor of physiology at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pa., replies

西东大学政策和研究中心主任马克·登博说,这些文件是那些人被继续羁押的基础。Mark Denbeaux, head of the Seton Hall University Center for Policy and Research, says the documents serve as the basis for detainees' continued detention.

受访者来自美国宾夕法尼亚州格林斯堡西顿希尔综合学院莱克伊利湖大学正骨疗法医学马克A.w。安德鲁斯,生理学主任教授。Mark A. W. Andrews, director and professor of physiology at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pa. , replies.

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从此以后,每个早晨女王、伯爵夫人和西顿夫人都会凑在一起,借着窗前的光线低头刺绣,彼此变得十分亲密。Henceforth every morning the Queen, the Countess and Mrs Seton sat down to embroider together. Gathered in the light of the window with their heads bent over their work, they grew very friendly.

普罗维登斯的詹姆斯仍旧在追逐时瓦解了NCAA对西顿霍尔大学篮球比赛在一个球进进采访表中大东同盟锦标赛3月9日在纽约举行。Providence's James Still crashes into the press table while chasing a loose ball in an NCAA college basketball game against Seton Hall in the Big East Conference Championships March 9 in New York.