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衷心祝愿他青春永驻,艺术尝新。Sincerely wish him eternal youth, art epistemic.

我们可以休整这条认知准确性的来绕过这个问题。We could revise the Epistemic Accuracy Theory to get around this problem.

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认知T-原则是一种过强的认知原则,一般的认知不具有此性质。Epistemic T-principle is too strong, and general cognition does not have the property.

认识合理性关乎的是什么是对的,而工具合理性关乎的是做什么。Epistemic rationality is about what is true and instrumental rationality is about what to do.

自然主义知识论作为一种新思潮,没能逃脱矫枉过正的宿命。As a new trend of thought, the epistemic naturalism has an inextricable fate of hypercorrectness.

然后提出一些科学知识的认识规范性的认知困境。Lastly, present some epistemic difficulties of the epistemic normativity of scientific knowledge.

首先,我们构造动态认知条件句系统DEC1,给出它的一些证明论结果。Firstly, we construct the dynamic epistemic conditional system DEC1, give some results of its proof theory.

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首先,我们构造动态认知条件句系统DEC2,给出它的一些证明论结果。Firstly, we construct the dynamic epistemic conditional system DEC2, give some results of its proof theory.

知识组织理论的产生是从实用主义的认识的态度转移到经验主义的。In knowledge organization, the generation of theory has moved from an epistemic stance of pragmatism, to empiricism.

国外的多模态认知逻辑系统在认识论基础和公理的使用上存在不足。The foreign systems of multi-modal epistemic logic present some pitfalls on epistemological base and the uses of axioms.

这种自然主义能与解释学协作地解决知识论问题,故而称为协作的自然主义。This kind of naturalism can cooperate with hermeneutics to solve epistemic problems, therefore is dubbed as cooperative naturalism.

言据性研究经历了从拓扑学角度到认知、认知情态、叙事学和语用学等角度的历程。Evidential study went through from the perspective of typology to that of cognition, epistemic modality, narratology and pragmatics.

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基础主义在解决知识回溯问题上陷入了困境,这直接导致了另一种重要的替代理论——一致主义的产生。Foundationalism falls into straits of solving epistemic regress problem which brings about another main theory directly Coherentism.

在三分认知世界理论的基础上讨论拒斥模态与拒斥认知命题是恰当的。It is the most appropriate to discuss the Deny Modal and deniable cognitive proposition based on Tri-partitioning of Epistemic World.

同时可以发现,认识情态是一个从疑问到判断的大连续统,是一个有机的整体。It is found that epistemic modality in Japanese is a large continuum that passes from doubt to estimation, and it is an organic whole.

这种观点将“彼此”理解为“那个认识主体、这个认识主体”,将“是非”理解为“正确、错误”。Such an understanding interprets Bici as "this epistemic subject and that epistemic subject", while taking Shifei as "right and wrong".

语境主义者主张,知识的归因依赖于归因者的语境,知识的标准随着语境的不同而不同。Contextualists hold that attribution of knowledge depends on the context of attributor, and epistemic standard varys along with context.

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“逻辑全能性质”不只是“理想认知主体”才具有的认知性质,一般的“理性认知主体”也具有某些“逻辑全能”的性质。Logic Omniscience Properties are not the ones that only ideal epistemic agents can have, however general rational agents have some of them.

本文试图掌握「可靠性」、「知德」与「证立内在面」的关聯。This essay was an attempt to understand the relationships between reliability, virtue, and the internal dimension of epistemic justification.

道德效力的意识性决定了道德效力的根基须是人类知识体系中的极限性知识。The world-wide moral predicament in the modern time owes itself to the fundamental change of ultimate knowledge in the human epistemic system.