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这酒鬼又开始胡言乱语了。The drunkard began to rave again.

剃头,撞头,吃下那些药。Shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill.

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唯有一点好处是可以跟仙女们狂欢作乐。Can only benefit from fairy who rave music.

他们第二场演奏赢得了好评。Their second gig earned them a rave review.

有个在多宁顿城堡的彻夜狂欢。There was an all-night rave at Castle Donington.

我现明白读者为何对这本书赞不绝口了。Now I understand why readers rave about this book.

病人对护士说起胡话来。The patient began to rave incoherently at the nurses.

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但是在中国,没有呐喊、咆哮和责骂的自由。But in China there is no freedom to shout, rave and rant.

锐舞音乐的定义是一种重复节拍。Rave music is defined as anything with a repetitive beat.

她完美无缺的表演赢得剧评家的大力称赞。Her flawless performance won rave reviews from the critics.

对人世间不公平的事靠骂大街是没有用的。It is useless to rant and rave at the injustices in the world.

被刮的脑袋,昏迷的脑袋,在药力中,太多次要死。Shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill, got too much time to kill.

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卡特说,“选择退出村”已经好评如潮。And Carter says the Opt-Out village is already getting rave reviews.

所以,鉴于这款手霜之前的好评率,我买了一管。So, because of the rave reviews of this hand lotion , I ordered a tube.

正如我会吃大餐,我会赞扬它,并赞美我的母亲。As I would eat the great meal, I would rave about it and praise my mother.

两夜户外锐舞,万人电子大趴,长城探戈坞森林音乐节之派对时间!A two-night outdoor rave at the "Great Wall Tanglewood Forest Music Festival"!

舞会的票能刷卡,大学的学费却刷不了。My card went through on the rave ticket but denied the college application fee.

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非官方的设备费尔吉祥物是这个机器人长颈鹿,因为狂欢'拉夫称。The unofficial Maker Faire mascot is this robotic giraffe, known as the Rave 'Raff.

他在超级联赛的出赛表现为他赢得了舆论的尊重。His performances, once acclimatized to the Premiership, have earned him rave reviews.

当人们谈论自己在仓储式商店购物“省”了多少钱时,我总是感到很困惑。I'm always confused when people rave about how much they "save" at warehouse club stores.