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他的家人起诉皮尔逊先生。His family sued Mr. Pearson.

最终皮尔逊先生赢得了他的诉讼。Mr. Pearson won his suit at last.

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嗨,妮娜·皮尔森,你们没事吧?Hi. Nina Pearson. Are you kids okay?

皮尔逊先生在继任中成功了。Mr.Pearson succeeded in the succession.

皮尔逊先生被认为是个合适的接任者。Mr. Pearson was thought a suitable successor.

审判那天,皮尔逊先生穿了一套黑西服。On the day of trial, Mr.Pearson wore a black suit.

皮尔逊先生住在郊区一座坚固的城堡里。Mr Pearson lived in a substantial castle in the suburb.

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我们只是和金戈、莎琪和斯图亚特.皮尔森他们切磋切磋。We did swapsies with Dringo and Sharkey and Stuart Pearson.

皮尔森还预测了人机连接中一次大的突破。Pearson also predicts a breakthrough in computer-human links.

皮尔逊逊预言了电脑与人各种连接的突破。Pearson also predicts a breakthrough in computer-human links.“By

所有版权保留。Reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

皮尔森认为殖民时代的医疗咨询过程,就象网络会诊的前身。Pearson likens the colonial medical consultation process as a precursor to email.

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培生则将获得Knewton自适应学习技术的部分专有权。Pearson will get semi-exclusive access to Knewton's adaptive learning technology.

在这个列表上头三个名字现在是处于美国培生教育出版集团之下的。The first three names on this list are all under the Pearson Education umbrella now.

继续之前我想问个问题,这儿有皮尔逊学院的学生吗?and let me just ask before I continue this passage, ? anybody here in Pearson College?

Pearson称石阵和杜灵顿墙地区有很多相似的地方。Mister Parker Pearson said Stonehenge and the Durrington Walls area had many similarities.

对于培生集团有意将这个拥有127年历史的报纸外售的推测早已不绝于耳,而在本周一此传闻更是甚嚣尘上。Speculation that Pearson was eying a sale of the 127-year old newspaper emerged on Monday.

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马特也曾经在他的节目中给出另一种制作方法,不过是在美食创意师亚当·C·皮尔森的帮助下。It is another recipe produced in Matt’s studio with the help of food stylist, Adam C Pearson.

朴明华现为培生中国教师培训以及课程服务部门的培训师。Minghua Piao is a trainer in Training and Curriculum Service Department of Pearson Education China.

机场大巴第二天早上准时到达,这样一旦当我们到达皮尔森时还有大量的时间。Airport Shuttle the next morning was on time and left us with plenty of time once we got to Pearson.