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他是如此令人信服。He was very convincing.

英格兰队的胜利不能令人信服。England were not convincing.

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结果非常有说服力。The result is pretty convincing.

羊儿们看起来会相当令人信服。Arians will look quite convincing.

但大部分的研究是令人信服的。But much of the research is convincing.

这有点令人信服That sounds like a convincing argument.

这听起来是个充分的理由Now that's a pretty convincing argument.

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只不过是令人心悦诚服的真相表层罢了。It only took a convincing patina of truth.

实验数据非常有说服力。The experimental data are very convincing.

这里服务员,我们不需要任何说服力。Here at CSO , we don't need any convincing.

我认为这是一个极有说服力的演说辞。It was a pretty convincing speech, I thought.

一声有说服力的霹雳通过这话隆隆炸出。A convincing thunder rumbled through the words.

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这些公司有一大堆理由来做这件事。These companies have a lot of convincing to do.

强迫永远不会使他们信服。Compulsion will never result in convincing them.

我说过了,我不觉得有说服力。I've said I don't find those grounds so convincing.

它打通基督教及甚具说服力的无神论。It bridges Christianity and the convincing atheism.

要让他们信服你是对的还要费点劲。You'll have a job convincing them that you're right.

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里皮也承认,他的队伍还远远不能让人信服。Lippi also admitted his team were far from convincing.

这一法案是以令人信服的15票对10票通过。The measure passed by the convincing vote of 15 to 10.

这广告吹得太玄,使人不免半信半疑。The advertisement sounds too boastful to be convincing.