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然而不幸中的大幸是,它的拓本一直在民间流传。Rubbings in the spread of civil cases.

用剪刀将叶子拓片剪下。Cut out the leaf rubbings with scissors.

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并赠送有关书籍、拓片。We also with to present some books and rubbings.

有人用铅笔和蜡笔将亲人的名字从纪念碑上拓印下来。Some used pencils and crayons to make rubbings of the names.

这座碑林里的大部分石碑都已经拓印完毕。Rubbings have been made from the majority of stone tablets here.

其实遗憾更真实,比如断臂的维纳斯,汉魏碑帖。In fact, more real regret, such as the arm of Venus, Han rubbings.

再将拓片转贴到图画用纸卡片的正面。Transfer the rubbings to the front of the construction paper card.

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制作叶子拓片是和孩子们一起庆祝秋天的好办法。Making leaf rubbings is a nice way to celebrate autumn with the kids.

然而不幸中的大幸是,它的拓本一直在民间流传。Unfortunately, however, of great luck, it's been non-circulating Rubbings.

拓片裱好以后,从此再没有在中国展出。The rubbings are mounted in the Chinese way and have never been shown in China.

拓片之主要名称、与其他名称,例如甲骨文拓片。The main title of a rubbing, and other titles, for instance, oracle bone rubbings.

如果不能清晰地看到图片的边缘,可用真正的叶子比照着剪。Use the actual leaf as a guide if you can't see the edges of the rubbings clearly.

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拓片也是节日贺卡正面引人注目的装饰品。The rubbings also make an attractive decoration for the front of a holiday greeting card.

将叶子拓片反过来放在一张干净的纸上,背面涂上固体胶水。Turn the leaf rubbings over on a clean piece of paper. Apply a glue stick to the back side.

许多人将至亲的名字拓印下来。Some people made ink rubbings of their loved ones’ names, often on the official event program.

一个人看见一幅字,便可以知道写字者有没有看过许多魏碑。One can tell from a piece of calligraphy whether the writer has or has not seen a great number of Wei rubbings.

碑之原迹早已不存,研究者大多是以拓本摩本为据。As the original trail has not existed for a long time, the researchers mostly use the tablet rubbings as their basis.

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现所知者多为1930年拓本,其他各期拓本数量甚少,尤以早期“旧拓”最为难得。Most rubbings were made in 1930, and most other types are rare, the most difficult to obtain being early period rubbings.

他的诗,便是他生命的拓片,可以从他的诗作品中看到他的血气、他的泪光、他的骨影、他的魂跃。His poems are the rubbings of his life, from which we can see his integrity, his suffering, his inflexibility and his soul.

纪功碑前半部分依据拓本还可以辨认,后半部分则受损严重,难以辨认。Jigong Beiqian half Rubbings can also be based in part on the identification, the second half was badly damaged, illegible.