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一个电视节目主持人要站住脚可不容易。It is not easy to get a foothold as an anchorman.

这位男电视主持人正在报道晚间新闻。The television anchorman was reporting evening news.

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新闻主持或新闻记者很大程度上相似于一个驾驶员。Being an anchorman or newsman is a lot like being a pilot.

听说BBC电视网的晚间新闻主播被炒了鱿?。The anchorman of the BBC network's evening news got fired.

听说BBC电视网的晚间新闻主播被炒了鱿鱼。The anchorman of the BBC network's evening news got fired.

夜间时事节目出现了一名新的主持人。The late-night current affairs programme has a new anchorman.

不久后的八月,这位CBS主播播报了尼克松下台的消息。And the following August, the CBS anchorman anchored Nixon's resignation.

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我听说DBD电视网的晚间新闻主播被炒鱿鱼。I heard that the anchorman of the DBD TV network's evening news got fired.

布斯科斯认为巴萨无需任何新签约作为亚亚图雷的替补。Sergio Busquets believes Barcelona do not need to sign anyone to replace anchorman Yaya Toure.

文化栏目主持人应该是学者型的主持人。The article holds that the anchorman of a cultural TV program should be an image of a scholar.

当主持人在镜头前,有一个很好的机会,他在他的船。And when the anchorman was not in front of the camera, there was a good chance he was on his boat.

看着穿着雨靴的新闻主持人站在不断上涨的河水边,转眼之间河水已经淹至其胸口。Look at the news anchorman standing in his waders in the rising river as the water approaches his chest.

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当一个大司乐、大乐正那样的祭祀行礼的主持人,在孔子看来,就是人生最大的成就。To become a music master, the anchorman of the ritual ceremony, is to Confucius the highest goal of life.

图书馆学情报学期刊特色栏目的“栏目主持人”现象,对传统的编辑理念形成了冲击。Being a new phenomena, the"Column Anchorman"is bound to give an impact to the traditional editorial theory.

穆里尼奥用了不到一个礼拜的时间便做下决定,俱乐部必须签下他,因为他天生有作为马克来来继承人的天赋。Mourinho was convinced within a week that the club should sign him as the natural successor to anchorman Makelele's crown.

对媒体进行研究离不开与其相关的社会环境,以及连接媒体和社会的中间桥梁——广播电视节目主持人。To study mass media, we cannot discuss any phenomenon without its relative social reality. So does the case of anchorman 's study.

被誉为“中国之声”的中国中央电视台首席新闻主持人,罗京周五早晨在北京去世,享年48岁。Luo Jing, leading news anchorman of China Central Television and known as the "voice of China", passed away Friday morning in Beijing. He was 48.

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我是看新闻节目上周当主持人冷静地宣布,他们即将项目的三维全息他们的一个记者到编辑部。I was watching a news show last week when the anchorman calmly announced that they were about to project a three dimensional hologram of one of their reporters into the newsroom.