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安妮·威克斯我有这把枪。Annie Wilkes I have this gun.

约翰.威尔克斯白活了么?Did John Wilkes live in vain?

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他在1865年被约翰·威尔克斯·布思暗杀身亡。He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865.

媚兰·威尔克斯告诉医生,如果是为了我们的事业,这没什么。Melanie Wilkes told the doctor that if it's for the benefit

但艾希礼·威尔克斯说过,他们那里有非常丰富的自然风景和音乐。Ashley Wilkes said they had an awful lot of scenery and music.

你母亲明天会骑那匹新买来的马去参加威尔克斯家的野宴?Will your mother ride the new horse to the Wilkes barbecue tomorrow?

“你母亲明天会骑那匹新买来的马去参加威尔克斯家的野宴?”“Will your mother ride the new horse to the Wilkes barbecue tomorrow?

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你还没有把那个子木头脑袋的韦尔克斯先生从你的脑海中忘掉。You still haven't gotten the wooden-headed Mr. Wilkes out of your mind.

总有一天,我要你把对艾西利说过的话再对我说。Some day I want you to say to me the words I heard you say to Ashley Wilkes.

咱们家的人跟威尔克斯家的人不一样,"他字斟句酌地慢慢说。"“Our people and the Wilkes are different,” he went on slowly, fumbling for words.

咱们家的人跟威尔克斯家的人不一样,"他字斟句酌地慢慢说。"“Our people and the Wilkes are different, ” he went on slowly, fumbling for words.

威尔克斯家跟咱们所有的邻居----跟我所认识的每家邻居都不一样。The Wilkes are different from any of our neighbors—different from any family I ever knew.

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安德里亚·威尔克斯,世界混农林业中心中国项目副协调员。Andreas Wilkes is deputy coordinator of the China Programme at the World Agroforestry Centre.

你要艾希礼这样一个丈夫干什么呢?他们全都是疯疯癫癫的,所有威尔克斯家的人。What would you be doing with a husband like Ashley? 'Tis moonstruck they all are, all the Wilkes.

我正要离开,威尔克斯女士叫住了我,向那位女士说起了我。I was just leaving the room when Mrs Wilkes called me back, as though to introduce me to the visitor.

县里的人觉得也许那位冷静含蓄的英迪亚会对他起一种镇定作用。The County felt that perhaps the cool and contained India Wilkes would have a quieting effect on him.

大家以为英弟的性情很冷静而深沉,也许对于浮躁的司徒可以发生一点影响。The County felt that perhaps the cool and contained India Wilkes would have a quieting effect on him.

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到去年夏天为止,斯图尔特曾经在双方家庭和全县的赞许下追求过英迪亚·威尔克斯。Until the previous summer, Stuart had courted India Wilkes with the approbation of both families and the entire County.

他总有一天要娶她的,这谁都知道,就像霍妮·威尔克斯要同媚兰蜜斯的兄弟查尔斯成婚一样。Everybody knew he'd probably marry her some day, just like Honey Wilkes is going to marry Miss Melly's brother, Charles.

位于穆得女王领地和威尔克斯地之间的南极洲地区,83年和832年首次被勘探,由澳大利亚宣称对其拥有所属权。A region of Antarctica between Queen Maud Land and Wilkes Land. First explored in 83 and 832, it is claimed by Australia.