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必将来的高潮时刻更多的却是失落。The inevitable climax was more of an anticlimax.

他们放弃比赛,真是扫兴。It was an anticlimax when they abandoned the game.

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在这令人毛骨悚然的故事之后,保卫战形势突然好转。After this gruesome tale the easing of the siege comes as an anticlimax.

在这段令人毛骨悚然的故事之后,围攻突然开始缓解,事态总算没有发展得更糟。After this gruesome tale the easing of the siege comes as an anticlimax.

这一番隆重的仪式过后,丝袋内的那瓶酒可能并非你想象中的那么令人兴奋。After all this, the bottle of wine inside the silk bag could only be an anticlimax.

后性能优良的第一幕,其余的发挥是一个虎头蛇尾。After the fine performance in the first act, the rest of the play was an anticlimax.

在马戏团领班的大捧场后,这个马戏院团的表演却出现了令人扫兴的结尾。The circus act came as an anticlimax after the big build up given by the ring master.

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在听众不知不觉之间,紧张气氛在最弱音的突减中被提升了。Before the listener knows where he is, the mounting tension is lifted in a pianissimo anticlimax.

突降辞格的翻译不能套用一般的语序翻译原则。Therefore, the general principle of word order translation should not be applied mechanically to the translation of anticlimax.

在纽黑文的校园里,秋季里明亮的阳光射在校歌的最后一行上,“为了上帝,为了国家以及为了耶鲁!”On a bright autumn day in New Haven that last line of the college song, "For God For country and for Yale, " may not seem quite the classic definition of anticlimax that it is.