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这个流浪者,我并不陌生!This wanderer is no stranger to me!

我昨天在街上遇见了一个流浪者。I met a wanderer in the street yesterday.

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疯狂的流浪者和神法的见证者A frantic wanderer and witness of Gods Law

我心绪不宁,我是自己心中的流浪者。I am listless, I am a wanderer in my heart.

你必流离飘荡在地上。You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.

他没有家,没有地址,他是个流浪者。He had no home, no address, he was a wanderer.

我们因为奇迹而诞生,而我们伊然还是奇迹。We began as wanderer and we are wanderers still.

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他和父亲闹翻了,成了一名游子。He fell out with his father and became a wanderer.

你将成为土地上不得休息的流亡者。You shall become a restless wanderer on the earth.

我觉得我有必要认识下这个英雄,这个流浪者。I feel I have come to know this hero, this wanderer.

每每闻知游客撰文忽悠,许多网友就来报名。Every time when Wanderer wrote, many bloggers came to join.

花近高楼伤客心,万方多难此登临。Flowers, as high as my window, hurt the heart of a wanderer.

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有时候,愿意像游子一样,漫步旷野。Sometimes like strolling around the wildness like a wanderer.

我想象是少见的苦头吧,——消瘦、苍白、可怜的流浪者!Strange hardships, I imagine -- poor, emaciated, pallid wanderer?

然而游街者并非仅仅是都市中被动、无力的漫游者。But the flâneur is not a merely passive, powerless wanderer in the city.

决计赶到目的地,浪汉何惧雨来淋。A wanderer who is determined to reach his destination does not fear the rain.

他的主人死了,他成了在陌生的宫廷里的流浪者,没有朋友。His lord is dead and he has become a wanderer in strange courts, without friends.

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我一直在广阔的世界广度飘荡…我曾以一个好奇者的身份在这个宽阔、…I have been a wanderer throughout the length and breadth of the wide, wide world.

他们先是击败了女魔头安达利尔然后追踪黑暗徘徊者向东行进。The heroes defeat the demoness Andariel and journey east, following the Wanderer.

在这一行之前,流浪者主角不过是随便哪个失恋的情人,没有一点可以用来放弃希望的才能。Up to this line the wanderer is just another unhappy lover with no talent to give up hope.