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时间在流逝。Time is passing.

风正从那里经过。Thee wind is passing by.

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他路过时曾顺便来看望过。He looked in when passing.

某个魂灵正飘然飞过。Some soul is passing over.

便是一阵风吹起。The wind is passing thro'.

就像传递光明。It's like passing on light.

不要阻塞超车道。Don't block the passing lane.

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它弹进了一辆过路的车。It bounced into a passing car.

现在我们来玩一个叫做开小火车的游戏。Now let's play a passing game.

路过一家音像店。Passing through a video store.

路过你的青春之路。Youth passing you on the road.

球便向着一只划过来的小船飞去。It went towards a passing boat.

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我在白云中穿越飞翔。I am flying passing high clouds.

我在飞翔,飞向天堂。I am flying, passing high clouds.

更有意识地控制会议进程More consciously passing the conch

通过这次考试我费了很大的力。I had a hard time passing the test.

说话这当口我还在排胆结石!I'm passing a gallstone as we speak.

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只为照亮你过往的萍踪。Live but to light your passing feet.

两辆汽车在会车时卡住了。Two cars locked together in passing.

下车时,请注意往来行人。Watch out for the people passing by.