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具有过多导入的类会有许多惟一类型。Classes with a plethora of imports have many unique types.

您可能拥有非常多的数据文件和个人文件。You likely have a plethora of data files and personal files.

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而且,作为一个单元测试狂,我喜欢编写多余的测试用例。Furthermore, as an addict, I tend to write a plethora of test cases.

但是在这么多可用的选项中,哪一种是完成作业的最佳工具?But with the plethora of options available, what's the best tool for the job?

具体的例子包括目前的各种在线音乐和网络广播。Examples include the plethora of music and webcasts currently available online.

以信用评分680或更高,你有过多的贷款方案。With a credit score of 680 or higher, you have a plethora of home loan options.

事实上,A股市场最近已经推出了房地产板块。In fact, the A-share market has recently been ush with a plethora of real estate

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以及一大批投射能力依然相当薄弱的中等国家。and a plethora of middle-sized actors whose projection capacity remains very weak.

我们也在保护中国的森林,那里有过多的其它物种。We're also conserving Chinese forest, where there is a whole plethora of other things.

对麦迪来说,他将完全掌控球队,并有一批好帮手。For McGrady, it'd be his shot at complete control over a team, with a plethora of sidekicks.

他站在那里,被过多的麦克风、扩音机、扬声器和记者包围着。He stood there surrounded by that plethora of microphones amplifiers speakers and reporters.

遗憾的是,新十年的头一个年头,这种乐听教育时刻已泛滥成灾。Unfortunately, there were a plethora of teachable moments in the first year of the new decade.

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和斯坦福桥超编的世界级的中场们一起竞争从来都不会容易的。With a plethora of world class midfield stars at Stamford Bridge it was never going to be easy.

虽然出现了很多关于能量丸的调侃笑话,但是让我们掩盖掉吧。It also spawned a plethora of weak drug-based jokes about power pills, but let's gloss over that.

在这种情况下,所在地的市,符合展演热矿泉。In this case, however, the location of the city corresponds with a plethora of hot mineral springs.

库神苏牙琼斯还有为数众多的红军正太们以及预备队球员也都在这个推特“竞赛”里。Dirk Kuyt, Luis Suarez, Brad Jones and a plethora of youth and reserve players are also in the race.

你可以在网上找到太多这种免费锻炼的方法和锻炼的诀窍。You can find a plethora of free workouts and workout tips online. For instance, don't have dumbbells ?

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过多的心理研究父母的焦虑和孩子之间的关系。There is a plethora of psychoanalytic research on the relationship between parental anxiety and children.

今天,通过庞大的高维数据和高性能的计算机,这些工作可以应用于现实的情景。Now, with a plethora of high-dimensional data available, such work can be applied to real-world scenarios.

近来大量的厂商也推出了许多针对游戏玩家的手势感应产品。A plethora of other manufacturers have recently put out gesture-sensing products, though mostly for gamers.