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我们播种什么就会收获什么。We reap what we sow.

播一颗种子盼它快快长大。A little seed for me to sow.

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我们的母猪一胎下了15个小猪。Our sow had 15 at one farrow.

他的职责是播种不和。His Office is to sow Discords.

乌鸦约翰尼总是掘土和播种。Johnny Crow would dig and sow.

有一个撒种的出去撒种。Behold, a sower went out to sow.

吃掉自己的猪崽子的老母猪!The old sow that eats her farrow!

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播种习惯,收获性格。Sow a habit and you reap a charcter.

请祢帮助我们知晓如何去播种我们的眼泪。Help us to know how to sow our tears.

她想在我们中间搬弄是非。She wanted to sow discord between us.

母猪在春天产猪崽。The sow breeds piglets in the spring.

这将会播撒民主的种子。This will sow the seeds of democracy.

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让我们在田里种春小麦吧。Let's sow our field with spring wheat.

在种子发芽前播种。Sow the seeds before they are spiring.

但是他们是否在播种时悲伤哭泣呢?But do they go out weeping as they sow?

然后用一粒胡椒播种阿!And sow it all over with one peppercorn.

照我们所期望的收成来撒种。Sow according to what we expect to reap.

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为明日的美好收成,今日就要小心撒种。Sow today what you want to reap tomorrow.

流着眼泪播种的人,才会享受到收获时的欢乐。They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

我们可以撒种,但丰收全靠上帝。We sow the seed—God produces the harvest.