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参附注射液抗癌症恶病质的临床研究。Clinical study on anticancer cachexia of Shenfu Injection.

平肺口服液治疗肺癌恶病质是通过多途径发挥作用的。The mechanism of PingFei Mixture treating cachexia is complex.

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分析ZAG与胃肠癌及其引起的恶病质状况的相关性。To analyze the relationship between ZAG and gastrointestinal cancer cachexia.

在这种恶病质后者的定义已经通过目前的指导方针。In the current guidelines this latter definition of cachexia has been adopted.

目的初步探讨肿瘤坏死因子含量与癌症恶病质的关系。Objective To explore the association between tumor necrosis factor and cachexia.

复方守宫散治疗肿瘤恶病质的临床研究。Clinical study on the treatment of tumor cachexia with composite Shougong Powder.

作者指出,恶病质的问题是由于在类风湿学中被严重忽略。The author noted that the problem of cachexia is seriously overlooked in rheumatology.

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康莱特对晚期恶性肿瘤患者恶病质和免疫功能的影响。Effects of Kanglaite on cachexia and immune function of the patients with advanced cancer.

然而他发展成恶病质,停止血液透析,结果死亡。However, he developed progressive cachexia , withdrew from hemodialysis and subsequently died.

肿瘤恶病质是以渐进性的不自主的体重丢失为特征的营养不良综合征。Cancer cachexia is a malnutrition syndrome characterized by progressive involuntary weight loss.

结论老年心衰恶病质的发生与多种因素有关。Conclusion The cachexia of heart failure in elderly could be closely related to a variety of factors.

目的探讨雄性激素类药物丙酸睾丸素对肿瘤恶液质患者的辅助治疗效果。Objective To explore the adjunctive therapy effects of androgens in treating terminal cancer cachexia.

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而对于肥胖和恶病质的病人存在的高和低的肌酐水平,没有一个方法可以准确推算。In the extremes of obesity and cachexia and at very high and low creatinine values, no single tool is really accurate.

肿瘤迅速生长破坏而产生的毒性物质,可使病员在肿瘤晚期发生“恶病质”。Tumor is mushroom the noxiousness material that destroy and produces, can make patient is in tumor is terminal happen " cachexia ".

目的探讨风湿性心脏病并发心源性恶液质患者瓣膜置换手术的治疗经验。Objective To approach the experience of the valve replacement on the patients with rheumatic heart disease complicated cardiac cachexia.

目的总结风湿性心脏瓣膜病合并心源性恶液质病人的围手术期治疗经验。Objective To review the experience of perioperative and surgical treatment of the rheumatic valvular heart disease with cardiac cachexia.

恶性肿瘤病人营养不良的发生率相当高,后期常表现为恶病质。Malnutrition is a common problem in cancer and cancer cachexia is always present in advanced stage, which is responsible for poor prognosis.

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方法建立T739小鼠癌症恶病质模型,观察KLT对模型鼠细胞免疫功能的作用。METHODS T739 murine model of cancer cachexia was established to observe the effect of KLT on the cellular immunological function of the mouse.

结论细胞因子IL-10基因GCC单体型可能与胃癌病人恶病质的发生发展有关。Conclusion Our results suggest that the IL-10 gene GCC haplotype may contribute to the occurrence of cachexia from patients with gastric cancer.

食管癌发展到中晚期,则可感到进行性吞咽困难、梗阻加重、明显恶液质及出现转移病灶。Late in the development of esophageal cancer can be very progressive dysphagia, obstruction increased significantly cachexia and transfer lesions appear.