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我要去和我的顾问商议。I'llgo and talk with my adviser.

我们聘请你当法律顾问。We engage you as a legal adviser.

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坏的谈论挫败建议者。Bad counsel confounds the adviser.

她无形中成了我们的顾问。She has virtually become our adviser.

你真是史上最牛的劝告者了!You are really the best adviser ever.

他自命为他们的首席顾问。He constituted himself their chief adviser.

后于沃尔得国际英语担任学习顾问。Study Adviser in World International English.

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另一位前科氏顾问说,“他们很精明。Another former Koch adviser said, “They’re smart.

轰炸机下面发出了一颗导弹。Out blitzed a absenceile from beneath the adviser.

史密撕教授赠做过总统的拓别顾问。Professor Smith served as adviser to the President.

Ra是韩国总统卢武玄的高级安全顾问。Ra is President Roh Moo-hyun's top security adviser.

你对于提供给美国鱼类野生物保护部的科学建议所能达到的目标是什么?What are your goals as science adviser for the USFWS?

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这位顾问是否在牛市和熊市都表现出色?Has the adviser performed well in bull and bear markets?

他们隔多久会评估与顾问的投资目标?How often do they evaluate their goals with the adviser?

他现在是董事会成员,而且是主席的军师。He is a member of the Board and adviser to the president.

很密切,拍摄方请来了孩之宝的顾问。Very close, they had a Hasbro adviser there as the wrote.

一位投资顾问正在为客户准备一份报告。An investment adviser is preparing an report for a client.

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鲁迪·普特拉是洛塞保护论坛的顾问。Rudi Putra is an adviser at the Leuser Conservation Forum.

刘开铃教授,外文系的系主任,担任指导工作。Dr. Kai-ling Liu, Chair of FLLD, who serves as the adviser.

每个学生都应该要有一名指导教授,指导其学业或研究。Every student shall have an adviser of studies or research.