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显然有很多。A lot, apparently.

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很明显什么都干不了。Nothing, apparently.

我显然是错误的.I was apparently mistaken.

在这里看来显然电子乐很流行。Apparently electronica is hot.

看样子她没有成功。Apparently she did not succeed.

不过很显然,现实生活并非如此。Not so true to life, apparently.

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显然,她只是好奇。She was apparently just curious.

那分明是一件怪事。It is a queer business, apparently.

扎瓦希里显然还活着。Zawahiri is apparently still alive.

这在表面上看起来不那么显而易见。Well, it's apparently not so obvious.

fisk在丹麦语里就是鱼的意思。Fisk apparently means “fish” in Danish.

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唔...显然在这件事情上并非如此。Well, apparently that was not the case.

但是我要说,显然我们在复苏,But I mean, apparently we're recovering,

但显然这只是一个错觉。But apparently this is only an illusion.

他确实是妥协了。But in real life apparently he did cave.

在编号70的传送带那。They didn't apparently call it debugging.

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一些报道显然是在自圆其说。Some are apparently hiding in plain sight.

还是今天,我突然发现我竟然有梦游症!Today, I found out apparently I sleep walk.

而且看来马多夫设的这个局曾经是相当不错的一个。And this one apparently was a very good one.