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其中的千岛盆地,是研究鄂霍茨克海的一个窗口。Kuril Basin is the window to study the Okhotsk Sea.

所有这些意味着中国面临着“中国鄂霍次克海”的困境。All this means that China faces a dilemma in the 'Chinese Okhotsk.

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鄂霍茨克海位于西太平洋边缘海最北部。Okhotsk Sea is the northernmost one in the marginal seas of Pacific Ocean.

还有一支种群生活在西太平洋霍兹次克和韩国附近的西伯利亚海。The other group live in the Western Pacific in the Siberian sea of Okhotsk and South Korea.

毕竟,南海被认为是国际航道,跟鄂霍次克海不一样。After all, the South China Sea is a recognized international waterway, unlike the Sea of Okhotsk.

鄂霍次克海是北太平洋的海湾,位于俄国堪察加半岛以西。The Sea of Okhotsk is an arm of the northern Pacific to the west of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula.

夏季鄂霍茨克海公海区狭鳕渔场环境特征。Environmental characteristic of walleye pollock fishing ground in high seas of the okhotsk sea in summer.

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幸存者顺阿穆尔河漂流而下,他们在河口处捱过了第二个冬天。翌年春天,队伍掉头向北进入鄂霍次克海。The survivors floated down the Amur, wintered at the river's mouth and in the spring turned north into the Sea of Okhotsk.

苏联远东部分的一个半岛,位于鄂霍次克海和白令海之间。首次到该半岛探险是在8世纪。A peninsula of Far Eastern U. S. S. R. between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. It was first explored in the 8th century.

堪察加半岛苏联远东部分的一个半岛,位于鄂霍次克海和白令海之间。首次到该半岛探险是在18世纪。A peninsula of far eastern u. s. s. r. between the sea of okhotsk and the bering sea. it was first explored in the18th century.

画面中可见,鄂霍次克海的大部分都被经常形成于千岛岛链周围的低层云所覆盖。Much of the Sea of Okhotsk visible in the image is covered with low clouds that often form around the islands in the Kuril chain.

29个活跃的火山口覆盖了半岛的海岸,那里为太平洋、白令海峡和鄂霍次克海所包围。Twenty-nine active craters cover the peninsula’s shore, which is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Bering and Okhotsk Seas.

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团队中的半数人死去了,幸存者顺着黑龙江而下,在河口度过了冬天并于翌年春天转向北边来到了鄂霍次克海。Half the gang died. The survivors floated down the Amur, wintered at the river’s mouth and in the spring turned north into the Sea of Okhotsk.

鄂霍次克海是太平洋第二大边缘海,在西北太平洋水文环境中扮演重要角色。The Sea of Okhotsk is the second largest marginal sea of the Pacific, and plays a significant role in the hydrology of the northwestern Pacific.

新英格兰、非洲西海岸、日本鄂霍次克海、斯里兰卡……可以说,只要还能找到鱼,情况都是大同小异的。Off New England, off west Africa, in the Sea of Okhotsk north of Japan, off Sri Lanka, wherever fish can still be found, it is much the same story.

位于太半洋,它位于中国的东部,韩国、俄罗斯、鄂霍次克海,南至东海,日本。Located in the Pacific Oceanit lies to the east of ChinaKorea and Russiastretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea in the south.

防卫省称,两艘导弹驱逐舰、两艘护卫舰和一艘综合补给舰于周日上午从日本海穿过宗谷海峡进入鄂霍次克海。The two missile destroyers, two frigates and a supply ship passed through the Soya Strait from the Sea of Japan to the Sea of Okhotsk early on Sunday, the ministry said.

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莫斯科–一艘俄国破冰船周一穿过狂风和暴雪费力向前进,努力到达位于鄂霍次克海的冰封的船,有500名海员被困。MOSCOW – A Russian icebreaker labored Monday through howling winds and heavy snow as it tried to reach icebound ships in the Sea of Okhotsk where more than 500 seamen are trapped.

信浓川地震带位于日本大地沟北部,地壳运动十分强烈,区内地震主要沿信浓川流域发生,并密集成带,大地构造上处于日本海板块向本州板块俯冲的边界线上。The Shinanogawa seismic belt, which is developed in the Northern Fossa Magna, Honshu Island, Japan, extends along the Shinano River bounding the Eurasian Plate and the Okhotsk Plate.

苏联太平洋舰队为了保护他们在鄂霍次克海安全力量,部署了100艘潜艇,连同140艘水面军舰,包括一艘Kiev-级的轻型航空母舰。The Soviet Pacific Fleet deployed 100 submarines, combined with 140 surface warships, including a Kiev-class light aircraft carrier, to defend its insurance force in the Sea of Okhotsk.