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在美国历史研究领域,清教是个历久弥新、众说纷纭的话题。In American history, Puritanism has always been an old topic with various opinions.

不象温斯顿,她深深了解党在性方面的禁欲主义的内在含义。Unlike Winston, she had grasped the inner meaning of the Party's sexual puritanism.

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清教主义促进了英国近代科学的制度化。And the second is that Puritanism promotes the institutionalization of England′s modern science.

在其它场所,现代的清教徒就给性贯彻禁忌、不存在、及不可说等三道敕令。Everywhere else, modern Puritanism imposed its triple edict of taboo, nonexistence, and silence.

从历史上看,美国的高等教育源于宗教,特别是清教。Historically speaking, American higher education was derived from religions, especially Puritanism.

本文从海斯特·白兰的心理和行动分析她作为一个清教主义叛逆者的形象。This article describes her figure as a rebel against Puritanism in the aspects of her psychology and her acts.

清教主义宣扬节俭,清醒/严肃,勤奋,但对劳动成果有一点奢侈的享受。Puritanism preached thrift, sobriety, hard work, but with very little extravagant enjoyment of the fruits of labor.

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她揭露了清教主义和令人窒息的美国女权主义意识,这些陷入了一个青少年抱怨的模式中。She exposes the puritanism and suffocating ideology of American feminism, which is stuck in an adolescent whining mode.

对于自由观察者而言,基督教清教徒主义,像所有的宗教哲学一样,有着其正面和负面的影响。To the liberal observer, Christian Puritanism , like all religious philosophies, has its positive and negative aspects.

但是,它和羞耻、罪孽或邪恶毫不相干——不像憎恨肉体的清教主义一贯教导我们的那样。But it has nothing to do—as puritanism with its loathing for the body has consistently taught—with shame or sin or evil.

爱米丽的悲剧根源在于美国南方文化传统的清教主义思想下的父权制度。The causes of Emily's tragedy lie in the paternalism and feminine morality of Puritanism governing the south of America.

这种叫做加尔文宿命论的观点,与主流英国清教主义相一致。And this belief that's called Calvinist predestination is really at the heart of mainstream English Puritanism at this point.

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知名营销专家于清教认为,中华英才网被购是资本对赌的无奈。Famous sale expert thinks at Puritanism , net of China person of outstanding ability is bought to be capital helpless to what bet.

第四章将从历史、宗教和个人经历三方面解释霍桑矛盾的清教思想的原因。Chapter Four will explain the causes of Hawthorne's conflicting Puritanism in The House in the social, religious and biographic aspects.

它充分反应了清教对人的精神摧残和人们无法克制的对幸福生活的追求。The Scarlet Letter is his masterpiece, which reflects how the Puritanism devastates the human spirits and people's longing for happiness.

其次,本文分析了小镇温士堡形成的社会原因和宗教原因,以及小镇所代表的安德森对于人生和人类命运的思考。Second, the paper analyzed the social and Puritanism reasons that influence Winesburg's exist, and Anderson'consideration to life and human.

他的成功在于挖掘了早期定居者既有清教徒式的自我约束,却又务实的特点。他称此是如此“出奇的平淡”,却让“平淡”大放光彩。His triumph lay in taking the puritanism and practicality of the early settlers, such "enigmatic dullness", he called it, and making it shine.

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这种矛盾的实质是霍桑的罪恶观的两大支柱加尔文清教主义神学观与人道主义道德观的对立冲突。The essence of the contradiction was the confliction between the Calvinist Puritanism and humanism which were two pillar of Hawthorn's idea about evil.

书中女主人公海斯特·白兰不顾清教主义的束缚,与牧师丁梅斯代尔相爱,被视为“通奸”。Hester Prynne, the heroine in this book, ignored the yoke of Puritanism and fell in love with Dimmesdale, a young clergyman. This was considered adultery.

第二部分主要是写清教主义的定义特点,发展演变过程和对霍桑的主要影响。Then the second focuses on the relation between Hawthorne and Puritanism, it is about the origin and development of Puritanism and its influence on Hawthorne.