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头部转动的全面协调印花。Head-turning allover floral print.

胸前有花布蝴蝶结作装饰。A floral printed bow trimmed on chest.

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花泥固定位置丝花。Floral foam holds silk flowers in place.

她把戒指刻成花卉图案。She engraved the ring in a floral pattern.

这门真有特色,你看这上面的花纹。The floral designs on it are quite unique.

绿树成荫,花香扑鼻——理想家园靠大家。Trees, floral aroma – ideal home by everyone.

没逛多久便看中一件碎花夹袄。How long did they fancy a stroll Floral Jiaao.

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或许我对菲利普拿花当礼物送的含意理解错了。Maybe I' m wrong about Philip' s floral gifts.

因此,它的花语就是-华丽。Therefore, its floral language is flamboyance.

她也注意到了碎花裙的回潮。But she has noticed the return of the floral skirt.

被列为一份温柔,精萃的花调香薰。Classified as a refined, gentle and floral fragrance.

一线冷泉把馥郁的花香,淹没。Cold seeps into the floral fragrance line, submerged.

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花芽分化是植物成花的基础。Floral bud differentiation is the basis of flowering.

客房的墙上裱糊著有花卉图案的壁纸。Floral wallpaper adorned the walls of the guest room.

超软莫代尔针织裤一花边打印。Super soft modal knit pant flaunts a floral lace print.

澳大利亚的国花是金合欢花。Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle.

卫生间的橱柜上有描花的瓷器门钮,真的很美妙。Floral china knobs on the washroom cabinets. What charm.

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伴着新鲜的薄荷,一个成功的植物精油,Mmmm。Along with fresh mint, and a hit of floral essential oil.

在植物界如此,在天国也是如此。And as it is in the floral tribe, so it is in God's kingdom.

中国自古即有插花习惯,及特制的花器。Floral vessels have been made in China since time immemorial.