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每只小塑料筒装2公斤。A plastic keg holds 2 Kgs.

倘若果真如此,这个人就像一个正在形成的火药桶。If so, you've got a powder keg.

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这里是桶Lant与我们的故事。Here is Keg Lant with our story.

我正要帮他开一桶呢。-好的。Why don't l just tap a keg for her? -Okay.

这是一个只差点燃的火药桶。It is a powder keg and only needs a trigger.

尝试在为小桶只要你能平衡。Try balancing on the keg for as long as you can.

然而埃及也经常被看作是一个“炸药桶”。Yet the country is also often considered a powder keg.

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我回到村里,我们打开第一个能用的的小桶。I went back to the village and we tapped the first available keg.

但是,如果我们已经桶的啤酒,那么为什么我们要瓶吗?But if we already keg our beers, then why would we want to bottle it?

“去到外面你的城里,”他说,“鹤毣两桶小酒再和人吵一架。"Out into your city" he said "to drink a keg or two and pick a quarrel.

在你的维持开始时,你可以在炸药桶上放置一个导线指示物。At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a fuse counter on Powder Keg.

那时我还不知道啤酒宴会是什么样子,也从没想过要喝酒。I didn't even know what came in a keg and had never contemplated drinking.

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库管员刘兴华对火药库改造赞不绝口。Kuguan member Liu Xinghua transformation of the powder keg full of praise.

“去到外面你的城里,”他说,“喝一两桶小酒再和人吵一架。"Out into your city, " he said, "to drink a keg or two and pick a quarrel.

他们不但在工作中保持联系,还随时关注大家在周末的任何重要聚会。They keep up with work along with keeping up with this weekend's keg parties.

所以不要蹦跳着去开一桶啤酒来喝,记住适度最好。So, don\'t jump and run to a keg party quite yet, remember that moderation is best.

如果火灾达到甲板下方的火药库,还会引发剧烈的爆炸。If the fire reaches the powder keg below deck, it can also trigger a powerful explosion.

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政府的对金融的干预是通货膨胀的火药桶,现在还看不到结束。Government financial intervention is a powder keg of inflation. There is no end in sight.

矿井提升是矿山生产的咽喉,高速运行,常年工作。Mine shaft raised is the keg of mine production , move at high speed and word throughout the year.

走到卫生间、厨房、酒吧的时候,从目标人物的身边经过。Walk within arm's reach of your target on your way to the bathroom, the kitchen, the keg or the bar.