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目前是一个全球性过剩的广泛带钢。There is a worldwide overcapacity for wide steel strip.

由于产能过剩,2010年的投资也将不乐观。Investment may also disappoint in 2010, because of overcapacity.

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这样,生产过剩的问题又被踢回美国。This pushed the overcapacity problem back onto the United States.

经济体中的某些部分存在产能过剩问题,另一些部分并不存在。Overcapacity is a problem in some parts of the economy and not in others.

国经济巨轮终于撞上产能过剩的冰山了吗?Is China's titanic economy finally running into the iceberg of overcapacity?

她说,"但是当我想到经济面临的风险时,产能过剩还够不上威胁."But when I think of the risks facing the economy, overcapacity is not high on the list.

然而冰岛已不再是生产能力过剩,并且每艘船的捕获量还在增加。Yet Iceland no longer suffers from overcapacity , and the catch per boat is increasing.

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全球需求因信用危机深受打击,导致中国巨大的生产过剩。Global demand has been hit by credit crisis, and as a result there is huge overcapacity in China.

而且,工业部门和商业性房地产领域的生产能力过剩将显露出来。Also, the overcapacity in the industrial sector and commercial realestate will come to the surface.

美国必须减少开支以降低过度消费,中国必须减少过剩生产。America must reduce spending to bring its overconsumption down, and China must reduce overcapacity.

莱普瑞斯说,中国汽车行业虽然近年来有明显增长,但已经存在产能过剩问题。There already is an overcapacity problem in China auto industry despite the big growth in recent years.

据说,无论是沃尔沃还是捷豹路虎都不会对欧洲的生产过剩产生多大影响。That said, neither Volvo nor JLR is big enough to matter much either way in denting Europe's overcapacity.

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但对航运、铝业和可再生能源来说,产能过剩的冰山已经戳破船壳。But for shipping, aluminum and renewable energy, the iceberg of overcapacity is already breaching the hull.

政府对经济的严重干预导致了某些行业的投资和产能过度。Heavy government involvement in the economy has resulted in overinvestment and overcapacity in some industries.

中国金融体系的不合理意味著中国建造了垂死企业,导致巨大的生产力过剩。China's financial system means that China has built an unreasonable dying business, leading to huge overcapacity.

但商业逻辑是,只有对欧宝进行大规模精简,才能使其在多年来遭受产能过剩困扰的汽车业内得以生存。But the business logic is that only a greatly slimmed-down Opel can survive in an industry with chronic overcapacity.

对于部分地区钢铁产能过剩严重的地区,一定要下大力量,严格控制产能的盲目发展。For parts of steel overcapacity worst-hit area, must under the big strength, strict control capacity blind development.

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然而,玻璃基板的短缺与新厂房启用时间的延迟多少会减轻2005年供给过量的情形。However, a shortage of mother glass and likely delay in new fab rollouts may mitigate 2005 overcapacity to some extent.

中国领导人现在担心从钢材、水泥和铝到大豆碾磨等一系列部门的产能过剩。China’s leaders now worry about overcapacity in a number of sectors, from steel, cement and aluminium to crushed soyabeans.

很多批评人士抱怨中国去年毫无节制的资本支出只不过是加重了其工业行业的产能过剩。Many commentators complain that China's capital-spending spree last year has merely exacerbated its industrial overcapacity.