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MTT法检测各组抑瘤率。Tumor IRs were detected by MTT method.

详询美国国税局信息热线1-800-829-1040。Contact IRS Information at 1-800-829-1040.

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这就是所谓美国国税局的“要么就花光,要么就没了”原则。The so-called IRS “use it or lose it” rule.

此外,我需要一张开给国税局的银行本票。Then I need a cashier's check made out to the IRS.

大家可以在国家税务局的网站上了解更多的信息。You can learn more at this page on the IRS website.

美国国内收入局每年都要调查数以百计的电脑犯罪。The IRS investigated hundreds of edp crimes every year.

“我不知道怎么谢您,…医生”妈妈说。"I'm not a doctor", the man replied, "I'm from the IRS".

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你能不能发邮件去税务局查一下你交的税都用在哪里了?Can you get your tax check to the IRS out of the mailbox?

蠡中校友基金会是一个公共慈善组织。Further, LZAF is determined to be a public charity by IRS.

BCN表达模型是处理不确定问题又一种很好工具。BCN Model is also a good tool for disposing uncertainty in IRS.

美国国税局可能不知道你进行的交换交易,除非你收到一份1099表格。The IRS may not know about your swap unless you receive a Form 1099.

美国国税局将这份申请公布给ProPublica组织可能是个错误。The IRS might have erred in releasing the application to ProPublica.

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可是这场音乐会的大部分的收益被国税局一直扣押到第二年。But most of the proceeds were impounded by the IRS until years later.

如果你做了好事,记得要张收据,万一天堂和美国国税局一样呢。When you do a good deed, get a receipt, in case heaven is like the IRS.

盖城中文学校是美国国税局认可之非营利组织。GCS is registered and recognized by the IRS as a non-profit organization.

美国国税局说它会足够的个人偿还上税。The IRS said it would be enough for the individual to repay the back taxes.

美国国税局在很多领域都在进行海外税收工作。The IRS is conducting offshore tax-collection efforts on a number of fronts.

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那是确认附属的,IRS和联邦储备署的身份已经改变。That is adjunctive verification that IRS and Fed Reserve's status has changed.

国税局没有说人们为何要放弃美国国籍,也没有透露他们都是些什么人,都去了哪里。The IRS doesn't tell us why people expatriate, or who they are or where they go.

我们分析了人和小鼠反转录假基因的假定蛋白质中的内部重复片段。We analysed the IRS of presumed proteins of retropseudogenes in human and mouse.