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张根硕面对面地说。Jang Keun Suk said face to face.

石是一名很棒的球员,并且他总是竭尽全力。Suk is a good player and he always does his utmost.

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石玄俊技术精湛,速度超群,场上效率也是好得出奇。Suk has great technique, pace and fantastic work rate.

白桦是一种具有较高经济价值的树种。Betula platyphylla Suk is a kind of valuable economic tree species.

案例之一,南韩科学家,黄禹锡是一个强有力的例子。The case of Korean scientist Hwang Woo Suk offers one powerful example.

杨社长在近日通过YG官方网页展示了女儿的照片!Well, Yang Hyun Suk via YG's homepage recently revealed his baby daughter's photo!

而韩国汉城大学的黄禹锡和他同事,则证明这项技术在灵长类也是可以办到的。But Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul National University and his colleagues proved that it could be done.

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前面的小美女靠了一下玻璃柜,里面的浴衣一晃,我还以为张根硕来了呢!In front of Little Miss by a little glass case, inside the bathrobe flash, I thought Jang Keun Suk to it!

龙婆术是事前另一名有名的高僧,因为他的佛牌的奇同性,所以价格昂贵。Laung Phu Suk is another guru monk whose amulets are very pricey because they are holy in all the matters.

上周韩国一位主要的干细胞科学家黄禹锡的辞职事件有一个巨大的讽刺。There is a deep irony in last week's resignation of South Korea's leading stem-cell researcher, Hwang Woo Suk.

多年来,泰国当局一直坚决反对讪滴戌村民的做法。Over the years, there has been stiff opposition among Thailand's authorities to the Santi Suk villagers' experiment.

张根锡还提出,把自己的摄制队设置的眉毛,据称电影胶片为使视频。Jang Geun Suk also raised eyebrows by bringing his own filming crew on-set, purportedly to film footage for a making-of video.

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张根锡一直留在这种情况中,因此,董事及其他剧组成员有困难。Jang Geun Suk keeps leaving in the middle of this situation, so the directors and the other cast members are having a hard time.

汉城国立大学的黄禹锡说,合作和分享技能将是亚洲成功的关键。Collaborating and sharing technical skills will be key to Asia's success, says Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul National University in South Korea.

该文以白桦为研究对象,利用数字散斑相关技术对白桦LT型裂纹的演化与增长的力学行为进行了实验研究。This paper studies crack initiation and propagation in LT specimens of Betula platyphylla Suk. by the digital speckle correlation method.

一名女工作在金贞淑丝绸厂在平壤,朝鲜在发表的朝鲜中央新闻社于2010年1月12日这张图片韩国。A woman works at the Kim Jung Suk Silk Mill in Pyongyang, North Korea in this picture released by North Korea's KCNA news agency on January 12, 2010.

慈济志工小心翼翼的扶著阿嬷,让她适应家里到新桥之间的高低落差,通素阿嬷开心的摸索著桥面宽度。Tzu Chi volunteers carefully help the elderly woman, so she can get used to the height of the step onto the new bridge. Mrs Thong Suk gets down to feel its width.

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我很想知道是否黄禹锡试图同那些揭露他谎言的网志族相一致——他是否会要求他们在批评他之前产生他们自己的干细胞系?I wonder if Hwang woo Suk tried that line with the bloggers who exposed his lies – did he ask them to produce their own stem cell lines before they could criticise him?

看见慈济人无私的付出,附近的村民也来帮忙,为眼盲行动不方便的通素阿嬷建造一座比较宽、较稳固的水泥桥。Seeing the Tzu Chi volunteers are here to help, local villagers come to offer their services to build a wider and more stable bridge for blind and infirm Mrs Thong Suk.

令人感到耻辱的韩国科学家黄禹锡昨天在六个月的缓刑之后,在韩国上诉法院被宣判有罪。Disgraced South Korean scientist Woo Suk Hwang had his conviction upheld yesterday by an appeals court in South Korea, which knocked 6 months off Hwang’s suspended sentence.