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黑方如何获得一个多一子的残局?How does black get an endgame with a piece up.

你说毕业典礼后菲普斯先生能让我们去试试吗?Think Mr. Phipps would let me take time off after endgame ?

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尼采在他生命的最后阶段,几乎神经错乱了。Nietzsche is almost off his head at the endgame of his life.

一盘棋可分为开局、中局和残局三个阶段。A chess game consists of opening, mid-game, and endgame stages.

事实上,没人清楚北韩到底要玩到怎样才收场。The fact remains that no one really knows what North Korea's endgame is.

现在,让我们看看书残局上半年我的第四章。And now, let's look at the first half of chapter four of my book Endgame.

希罗夫既是浪漫派的代表又是一个精于残局的大师。Shirov is both a representative of romantic chess and an endgame virtuoso.

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在这些残局库中,都假定王车易位不再可能出现。In all of these endgame databases it is assumed that castling is no longer possible.

最终的结果是,这种行为可能会强化美元作为“避险”货币的选择。The endgame is that such actions could reinforce the USD being the 'risk off' currency of choice.

阿富汗战事中所有冲突各方,都试图在战事行将终结之际,抬高自己的声势。All sides in the conflict are trying to show strength as the apparent endgame in the war gains momentum.

我们也在关注着化学武器和飞毛腿导弹,要确保他们不会在最后阶段使用。We are also watching the chemical weapons and Scud missiles to make sure they are not used in the endgame.

来自华盛顿消息灵通人士的随口回应是中国不敢轻易结束这场游戏。The cavalier response heard from Washington insiders is that the Chinese wouldn't dare spark such an endgame.

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玩完电玩所需的努力已经是昨日黄花了,尤其在这种我们可以随时在需要之时能随手取得所需资讯的时候。Earning the endgame seems so yesterday, especially when we can know whatever we need to know whenever we need to know it.

但并非每盘棋都经过残局阶段,因为有些时候,在中局阶段就分出了胜负了。However, not every game would have an endgame stage. This is because sometimes, a winner can be determined during mid-game.

在国防部长罗伯特盖茨对美军宣布在伊拉克的军事行动已进入“尾声”仅一天后,布什总统进行了上述的计划外访问。His previously unannounced visit came a day after Defence Secretary Robert Gates told US troops the Iraq mission was in its "endgame".

加芝迪司很早之前就在暗示,科罗恩克的收购将结束阿森纳纠结的现状。Gazidis has long privately hinted that he believed a takeover bid from Kroenke would be the endgame of the struggle for power at Arsenal.

当在建造残局库的这段时间,我常为残局库所发现的一些残局解法拍案叫绝。During the course of making these endgame databases, I am fascinated by the various ways to win a certain endgame as discovered by the databases.

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针对大气层外拦截中段采用耗尽关机固体燃料发动机的情况,设计了基于零控脱靶量的鲁棒中制导律。A midcourse guidance law for an exoatmospheric interceptor with solid engine, which has a significant ballistic coast to the endgame after burnout, is put forward.

然而在华盛顿这边,似乎在决战利比亚当前并没有明确的计划,甚至没有一个预期的概念,甚至是通常强硬的共和党所表现出的关注。Yet here in Washington there seems to be no clear plan for an endgame in Libya, not even a notion of what to expect. Even normally hawkish Republicans are expressing concern.

在近期事态发展中大都置身事外的白宫官员预计博纳的方案将通过众议院的表决,但他们也做好了收拾残局的准备。White House officials, who have largely been on the sidelines during the latest maneuvering, assume Mr. Boehner's plan will pass the House, but are sketching out scenarios for an endgame.