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你知道它的词曲作者是谁吗?Do you know its composer and its songwriter?

行啦,你知道我的梦想是成为作家曲。Come on. You know my dream is to be a songwriter.

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行啦,你知道我的梦想是成为作家曲。Come on. You know my dream is to he a songwriter.

曲作家欧文•柏林1888年出生于俄罗斯。Songwriter Irving Berlin was born in Russia in 1888.

哈利。夏平是一位流行的民乐歌手和词曲作家。Harry Chapin was a popular folk singer and songwriter.

此外,我们还有由歌手,词曲作者和音乐制作人布鲁诺火星。And we have music by singer, songwriter and producer Bruno Mars.

奥巴马盛赞麦卡特尼为历史上最为成功的歌曲作者。Obama called McCartney the most successful songwriter in history.

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丽贝卡在学音乐,有一天她会成为曲作家。Rebecca's studying music and she's going to be a songwriter someday.

乐队创始人,贝司手和作曲家史蒂夫哈里斯导演。The band is directed by founder, bassist and songwriter Steve Harris.

这位歌手,词曲作者和音乐家,成长于利物浦,英格兰。The singer, songwriter and musician was raised in Liverpool, England.

这首歌之后他成了大明星,他成了歌曲作家。He became a big star after the song was launched and he became a songwriter.

今年我们要纪念的最后一位是音乐家兼词曲作家——雷·康尼夫。The last American we remember this year is musician and songwriter Ray Conniff.

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但是,作为词曲创作人意味着有时你的想法并不能得到别人的认可。But being a songwriter means that sometimes not all of your ideas are appreciated.

我签了一家公司,因为他们不希望我有所改变,允许我继续做一名普通的写歌者。I went with the label that didn't want me to change and let me be a simple songwriter.

这些事情对于现在是一个歌手、曲作者、制作人的26岁的后弦来说是不够的。There thins are not enough for Hoho, 26, who is now a singer, songwriter and producer.

美国曲作家欧文•柏林,在他那首“白色圣诞”歌曲中就捕捉到了这样的感情。American songwriter Irving Berlin captured these feelings in his song, "White Christmas."

在二十世纪四五十年代,出版商和曲作家平分销售唱片所得的收入。In the 1940s and 50s, the publisher and songwriter equally shared income from record sales.

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这位歌手兼作曲者宁愿他的整个乐队和埃德温麦凯恩一样出名。The singer and songwriter prefers his entire band to be collectively known as Edwin McCain.

然而在墨尔本歌曲不走廉价成衣在惊险刺激或谋杀歌谣。And yet the Melbourne songwriter doesn't go in for cheap thrills or readymade murder ballads.

最尖锐的指控来自莉莉·阿伦,一位24岁的作曲家兼流行歌手。The sharpest rebuke came from Lily Allen, a songwriter and pop singer who was then 24 years old.