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但是人渣的问题通常都问得太深奥。But Mr Dregs always asks recondite questions.

这篇深奥的论文很费解。The recondite treatise is hard to understand.

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基因研究是一个奥博的学术领域。Gene research is a recondite area of learning.

某饱学的学者以其深奥的思想著称。An erudite scholar was noted for his recondite thoughts.

这些问题看似深奥,但他们的答案至关重要。The questions may seem recondite , but the answers matter crucially.

我们听到数学家说,蜜蜂已实际解决了一个深奥的数学问题。We hear from mathematicians that bees have practically solved a recondite problem.

是过分的精致,还是人性的变易?Is it excessively recondite or is it of the consequence of human nature's variation ?

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每个人都是一个谜,在你真正了解他们之前,你无法知道他们有多好或者多坏。Everyone is recondite. You have no motif how good or bad they are until you really see the truth.

想了解休克与其难懂的性质,多知道一些有关循环系统的知识是有帮助的。TO UNDERSTAND SHOCK and its recondite nature, it helps to know a bit about the circulatory system.

可是对一个车轮师父而言,这些之乎者也的文言文是太深而难懂的。To a craftsman, the ancient article with recondite and scholastic words was too abstruse to understand.

假如无太多影响,在你的表达中使用一些深奥的词语对于其他人的卖弄学问可是一种很好的防卫。If nothing else, having a few recondite words at your disposal can be a great defense against the pedantry of others.

除了学术界严肃深奥的论文,近来不少山地作家也以文学作品来表现自己。Quite a few aboriginal writers have expressed themselves in literary works recently, supplementing the recondite academic dissertations of the past.

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我真正想引出的,却是那个饕餮换帝王,在皇室中布下大局的神秘人。I truely think derivation, merely is that gourmand to alteration one dictator king and deploy the recondite person of general situation in the imperial house.

这个眼熟,大概只是因为他那对火红的眸子,和那个神秘出现又消失的小黑小朋友有几分相似。This is familiar looking, probably just for he that to fire ruddy Mou son, and that is recondite to appear again evaporated of the small black kid has several cents resemblance.

以形象为基础,通过类比联想、拟人化,戏剧化的手法,以文学写意的笔法来描绘经济学的深奥道理。III. Based on images, to present recondite economic principles through devices like analogy, association, personification and dramatization with literary technique of portraying the quintessence.