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一个由有钱人统治的政体。A wealthy amateur sportsman, especially an amateur yachtsman.

一个驾驶帆船的人在海上遇险需要救援。A yachtsman got in to trouble off the coast and had to be rescued.

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救援队展开最后一次大面积搜索,设法找到失踪的快艇驾驶员。The rescue services did the last sweep to try and find the missing yachtsman.

一名法国航海家打破了环游世界的世界纪录。French yachtsman has broken the record for sailing round the world single-handed.

理察德-温-凡姆从加利福尼亚出发,驾游艇前往一个28英里以外的岛屿。Yachtsman Richard Van Pham set out to make a 28-mile trip to an island off California.

“我是第一国民银行副总裁,”游艇主人回答说。“请快来!”"I'm executive vice president of the First National Bank, " answered the yachtsman . "Please Hurry!

在每年一度的富有传统的“基尔周”活动中,来自世界各地的帆船运动员都要在此一决胜负。In the rich tradition of the annual "Kiel Week", from all over the world yachtsman be in this match.

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你的开游艇的朋友会告诉你一两个这方面的学术名词,只是在它不像是无聊的闲谈,你才有兴趣听下去。Your yachtsman friend could tell you a thing or two about these scholarly themes, only it might not be the kind of tale you would like to hear.

实际应用表明,本文研制的高速游艇驾驶仿真系统可以作为船舶驾驶和操纵的模拟演示装置,也可作为训练船舶驾驶员的仿真器。It indicates that this high-speed yacht's steering simulation system is good enough to be used to simulate the steering of a yacht even to train the yachtsman.

救生船上需要男人来划船,如果没有船员在现场的话,男乘客就可以担起这一重任。当然,这样做也会被人说成是懦夫的行为。That circulated about Peuchen was that, "he said he was a yachtsman so he could get off the Titanic, and if there had been a fire, he would have said he was a fireman."