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勇武如赫克托,他从不知危险是何物。Valorous as a Hector, he knows no danger.

战士们在这场战争中表现非常勇敢。The warriors were very valorous in the battle.

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反复的虎扑动作表现出老虎威武勇猛的神态。The repeated springs show the tiger's mighty and valorous looks.

又在犹大各坚固城内派驻勇敢的军长。And he put the valorous captains in all the fortified cities in Judah.

在今后的岁月中,他将成就勇敢而伟大的功绩。Throughout the coming years, he would commit great and valorous deeds.

把眼泪种在心里,会开出勇敢的花朵。Seed your tears deep in your heart it will grow up to valorous flowers.

把眼泪种在心里会开出勇敢花朵。Seed your tears deep in your heart, it will grow up to valorous flowers.

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无畏的玛尔勋爵士团知道它暗藏的可能带来严重后果的巨大力量,于是很快将它隐藏到远离人类帝国的一个叫做玛尔的秘密要塞中。The valorous Order of Marr knew its power and quickly hid it far from the empires of man in a secluded fortress called Marr.

狮鹫-征的勇士以其无畏的精神敢于对抗一切危险,宁愿阵亡也决不被生俘。Griffin- Sets forth the property of a valorous soldier whose magnanimity is such that he will dare all dangers, and even death itself, rather than become captive.

在暴风雨中一丝阳光为我们打气正如伟大列宁指引出新道路!为了公义他发动了群众启发他们去劳动和奉献!Through tempests the sun rays of freedom have cheered us on Like the new path created by Great Lenin To a righteous cause he raised the people Inspired them to labour and valorous deed!

位在中正公园内,这博物馆建造于1988年,是纪念数周炮战,他的排列设计是要给人那时期的英勇事迹的感觉。Located in Chungcheng Park, this museum was built in 1988 as a memorial to the long weeks of the artillery war. Its displays are designed to give a sense of the valorous events of that period.