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他是惊悸的。He was horrified.

因此我很惊恐。So I was horrified.

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这个想法让她吃惊。The idea horrified her.

矮子是惊悸的。The dwarfs were horrified.

我感到很肯定,他一定会被吓呆。I feel quite sure he would be horrified.

电影中的暗杀场面使我心惊肉跳。The murder scene in the film horrified me.

我瞪着这头麋鹿,又惊又怕。I stared at the elk, shocked and horrified.

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惊恐的腓利士人发出可怕的叫声。The horrified Philistines gave a shout of terror.

他们被亲眼所见的暴行吓得呆住了。They were horrified by the outrage before their eyes.

他们只是对我会把这样的信寄出而感到震惊。They were horrified that I’d send a letter like that.

但当我把这告诉一位我认识的生态学家时,她吓了一跳。But when I told an ecologist I know, she was horrified.

其他的学生们又一次惊恐万状起来。The other students kept being horrified all over again.

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母亲将耳朵贴近时,儿子突然咬住母亲的耳朵,差点撕下来,周围的人都惊呆了。He nearly bit off her ear. All the bystanders were horrified.

这令贵族们感到恐慌,他们认为这门婚事极不般配This horrified the Boyars, who thought that this was unbecoming.

泰瑞看着这一幕,以为金姆在车坠落中丧生了,感到惊骇。Teri watches, horrified at the thought of Kim dying in the crash.

当电视里高声播发那个可怕的消息时他们坐在那里感到恐惧。They sat there horrified as the television blared the awful news.

她震惊于远足者和露营者何以如此自私。She was horrified that hikers and campers could be so thoughtless.

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十年前,当比例升至927-1000时,许多人开始恐慌。A decade ago, many were horrified when the ratio was 927 to 1, 000.

我被惊呆了,我从没想过大卫王会答应这样的事情。I was horrified. I never knew thatKing David would do such a thing.

这是这麽鲜明和真实的使我为不得救的人战悚。It had been so vivid and real that I was horrified for the unsaved.