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堆积物掩埋了道路和房屋。Heaps of debris buried roads and houses.

这台机器卷起大块大块的泥土。The machine flung up great heaps of earth.

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休谟对他的契约论不屑一顾。Hume heaps scorn on his contractarian idea.

离火车开之前,我们还有许多时间。We have heaps of time before the train leaves.

元数据表引用其他的表和堆。Metadata tables reference other tables and heaps.

这种林鼠的垃圾堆可以在自然界保留超过4万年。These rodent trash heaps can last up to 40000 years.

“我也这么想,”哈克说。“我情愿拿很多东西来换,让人家告诉我是谁被淹死了。”I do too" said Huck "I'd give heaps to know who it is. "

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父母们都拿着大包小包,带着他们拿着棒棒糖的孩子们。There are kids with lollies and parents with heaps of bags.

上司常在快下班时给我一大堆工作做。The boss usually heaps work on me just when it's time to go home.

广漠无垠的沙漠里,坟墓、石冢,还有不知名的土丘星星点点。Tombs cairns and unmarked heaps of earth dot the boundless sands.

自从搬到郊外居住以后,我无数次来这里漫步。Since remove to outskirt, I went for a walk at here heaps of times.

俺包在一起,一切弹药堆,努力工作,如果枪。I pack together heaps of ammunition for everything and try if the guns work.

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桌子上摆放着大堆的碟子,有盛辣椒的、大蒜的、卷心菜的。Tables buckle under heaps of chili-, garlic- and cabbage-themed side dishes.

她煮给他们火腿和蛋,香肠,一堆堆的煎饼,培根和奶昔。She made them ham and eggs, sausages, heaps of pancakes, bacon and milkshakes.

托管堆损毁是一种发生在托管堆上的堆损毁。Managed heap corruption is a heap corruption that occurrs on the managed heaps.

希西家向祭司,利未人查问这堆垒。Then Hezekiah questioned with the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps.

耶户说,将首级在城门口堆作两堆,搁到早晨。And he said, Put them in two heaps at the entrance of the gate until the morning.

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矿渣堆由金矿挖掘后遗留下来的大量碎石所组成。The slag heaps hold massive dumps of crushed rock discarded after gold extraction.

事实上你的大多数时间都是化妆了记忆一堆又一堆的数据上面了。A lot of your time will actually be spent trying to memorize heaps and heaps of data.

等我长大的时候我想有很多钱,这样我就什么事情都不用担心了。When I grow up, I want to have heaps of money so I don't have to worry about anything.