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绿色甘蓝菜等填料。Collard greens. Stuffing.

拆卸填料函。Dismantle the stuffing box.

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可用作人造大理石的填充料。J. As stuffing of man-made marble.

他想用鬼主意欺骗你。He's stuffing you with silly ideas.

放一层馅料在上面.Put a layer of the stuffing on top.

他想用鬼主意欺骗你。He is stuffing you with silly ideas.

那么饺子馅怎么调制才好吃呢?So how to make dumplings stuffing good?

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它是一种以烫面为皮裹馅上笼蒸熟的面食小吃。It is a steamed flour food with stuffing.

那小贩在撒谎欺骗小孩。The pedlar was stuffing the boy with lies.

主菜通常是带馅火鸡。The main dish is often turkey with stuffing.

什么馅儿的更好吃?Which sweet stuffing tastes more delicious ?

沙发里几乎没剩下什么填料。There's hardly any stuffing left in the sofa.

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把填料放到腔内,把鸟的腿和翅膀扎紧。Put stuffing into the cavity and truss the bird.

深度填料函确保较长的填料使用寿命。Stuffing box is deep, assuring long packing life.

她已经把饺子馅和好了。She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings.

烹饪鸡肉时常放洋苏叶、洋葱等填料。Chicken is often cooked with a sage and onion stuffing.

把火鸡去毛洗净后,将栗子填充进去。Dress and clean turkey and fill with Chestnut Stuffing.

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绝不能将盘根盘旋成圈绕入填料函中。Never wind the packing into a coil in the stuffing box.

它通常是有馅的半圆形的麦制食品。It is usually a semicircular wheaten food with stuffing.

它是一种用小麦制成的有馅料的食物,通常呈半圆状。It is usually a semicircular wheaten food with stuffing.