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是的,我是约翰·霍兰。Yes, I am John Hol land.

他有一个红色的霍顿旅行车。He has a red Hol den Commodore station wagon.

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顺利的话,下星期要开始复习了。Tab with no hol . I'm going to start working nex week.

颢丽,神经错乱是富人的专利。发飙是中产阶级消受不起的奢侈品。You gotta be rich to be insane, Hol. Losing your mind is not a luxury for the middle class.

上个月,当他的骸骨被移走之前,“小洞青年”仍然躺在墨西哥一个海地洞穴中。The Young Man of Chan Hol lies in a Mexican undersea cave before the bones' removal last month.

HOL比一阶逻辑更有表现力,能给复杂逻辑更加简洁的描述。HOL is more expressive than first-order logic and enables a concise description of complex properties.

可是,因为佛像高,洞口低,无法将佛像抬入洞中。However, the statue couldn't be hol into the cave because its length was longer than the cave's height.

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研究者称,在至少10,000年前,随着冰河时代的结束,海面的冰盖融化,海水流入并注满了“小洞”。No fewer than 10,000 years ago, Chan Hol filled with seawater as Ice Age ice caps melted, the researchers say.

然后依据非线性突变理论建立水平矿层的尖点突变模型并得到矿层的失稳条件。Based on the model, the necessary and sufficient condition of the hazardous geomethcal instability accident for the HOL was obtained.

然后依据非线性突变理论建立水平矿层的尖点突变模型并得到矿层的失稳条件。Based on the model, the necessary and sufficient condition of the hazardous geometrical instability accident for the HOL was obtained.

仿真实验表明优先级调度输入——线群多通道输出ATM交换系统比较好地改善了HOL阻塞,提高了输入排队ATM交换网络的性能。The final simulation experiment shows that this model can better the HOL block, and improve the performance of input-queued ATM switch dramatically.

最后的模拟实验数据表明优先级调度输入—线群多通道输出ATM交换系统模型较好地改善了HOL阻塞,提高了输入排队ATM交换网络的性能。The final simulation experiment shows that the new model can better the HOL block, and improve the performance of input-queued ATM switch dramatically.

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首先根据金川二矿水平矿层的开采特点和地质及力学背景,将其简化为两端受水平力作用的弹性地基梁。At first, the HOL was simplified as a mechanical model of a beam on elastic foundation according to its geological condition and cutting characteristics.

硬件实现和VCS仿真的结果证明本文提出的流量控制算法不仅硬件实现简单而且能有效地防止队头阻塞。Hardware implementation and VCS simulation results show that the flow control algorithm in this paper is not only simple but also avoid HOL blocking efficiently.

现代的社会里,我们虽然不必拘泥这些旧礼,但恭敬的诚心,应该是古今不渝的。Although we need not rigidly hol to old-fashioned rules of etiquette in modern society, the attitude of sincere respect is something that never changes with time.