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期位督教教士,传助情侣。Churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.

爱德华想立即见他的牧师。Edward wanted to see his churchman right away.

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一个新教教士走过来和她说话。“我的夫人,”他说道。A Protestant churchman came to talk to her, 'My lady, 'he said.

一个新教教士走过来和她说话。A Protestant churchman came to talk to her, ‘My lady, ’he said.‘Pray

他是早期的一位基督教教士,传说曾帮助过年轻的情侣们。He was an early Christian Churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.

一个新教教士走过来和她说话。“我的夫人,”他说道。“跟我一起祈祷”Protestant churchman came to talk to her,‘My lady,’he said.‘Pray with me’

职业发展由五个阶段组成。Career development at Churchman Business School is composed of multiple stages.

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我们的成功率取决于我们毕业生的成功。At Churchman Business School, we rate our success by rating the success of our graduates.

许多人能承受苦难,但很少人能忍受侮辱---托马斯。福勒,英国教士和历史学家。Many can bear adversity, but few contemp---Thomas Fuller, English churchman and historian.

学院通常是由富有的牧师们出资建立的,他们没有后代来继承财产。Colleges were usually founded by rich churchman who had no offspring to leave their wealth.

一个好老婆和健康是男人最好的财富---托马斯。福勒,英国教士和历史学家。A good wife and health is a man's best wealth---Thomas Fuller, English churchman and historian.

高云汉牧师荣获神学进思辅导中心颁发「资深教牧领袖奖」。Rev. John Kao received Senior Churchman Award from Centre for Mentorship and Theological Reflection.

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知识是一座宝库,而实践是开启这座宝库的钥匙---托马斯。福勒,英国教士和历史学家。Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it---Thomas Fuller, English churchman and historian.

生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成---托马斯。富勒,英国教士和历史学家。Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. ---Thomas Fuller, English churchman and historian.

从天主教传入中国起,法国传教士和教会就对中国社会产生了深远的影响。From the Catholicism come into China the French churchman and church have far-reaching influence in Chinese society.

当文学一半成为贸易,一半成为艺术时,那是它最繁荣的时期。英国作家和牧师。Literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art. Wiliam Rplph lnge, Birtish writer and churchman.

以下列出当前学费开支。详细数额在各专业介绍中。The following chart is the current tuition cost at Churchman Business School. Detailed tuition information is listed in each program.

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很久以前,圣·瓦伦丁是基督教的一名传教士,据说他成全了许多青年男女。But most Americans do not go that far to celebrate the day named for Saint Valentine He was an early Christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.

学生可向第三方或联邦贷款计划申请支付学费。学校目前不向国际学生提供贷款。Students may apply through third party or federal loan plans to cover tuition costs. Churchman Business School currently does not offer loan plans to international students.