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而事实上,这是非常让人受不了的。And in fact, very overwhelming.

我觉得它给我一种压迫感。I think it was overwhelming to me

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他感到无法抗拒的厄运即将降临。He feels an overwhelming sense of doom.

我有一种难以自持的冲动想吻她。I had an overwhelming urge to kiss her.

然而,坏的压力则是势不可挡的。However, bad stress can be overwhelming.

已有大量无可辩驳的科学证据显示,气候在持续变化。The scientific evidence is overwhelming.

我明白,寻求真理要有势不可挡的激情。"I know. An overwhelming passion for it".

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他无法抗拒自己想行善的愿望。His desire to do good is overwhelming him.

那是一种不被爱的刻骨铭心的感觉。The overwhelming sense of not being loved.

单凭他们那庞大的压倒性的人数就可以之我们于死地。Their overwhelming numbers could destroy us.

法官说,证据确凿。The judge said the evidence was overwhelming.

所有的这些东西会让你感觉到吃不消。All of this stuff can feel a bit overwhelming.

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该法案以压倒多数通过。The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority.

提案以压倒多数通过。The motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.

这幅画给人总的印象是很有气势。The general effect of the painting is overwhelming.

提案以压倒多数通过。Thee motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.

最后,它对强有力的反面证据视而不见。Lastly, it ignores overwhelming evidence to contrary.

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这个国度的爱势不可挡却又遮遮掩掩。This country's affection is overwhelming and furtive.

你的任务列表是非常非常长,那就真是恐怖了。Your list of tasks is so long that it’s overwhelming.

使我大为惊异的是起居室里空荡荡的。To my overwhelming surprise the living-room was deserted.