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EDA是现代电子设计的发展方向。EDA is a new trend in modern electronic design.

目的诱导EDA基因在原核细胞中的表达。Objective To express EDA gene in prokaryotic cells.

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我相信SOA和EDA是平等和互补的。I believe that SOA and EDA are peers and complements.

可否比较一下SOA与“整合”、ROA以及EDA的区别?Can you compare and contrast SOA with “Integration”, ROA, and EDA?

李琳,EDA事业部副总经理,北京中电华大电子设计有限责任公司。Lilin, Vice-president of EDA Business, CEC Huada Electronic Design Co. , Ltd.

课题采用SE-5M型EDA实验箱对所设计的软核模块进行硬件级的测试。The thesis used SE-5M EDA experiment system to carry on the test of the hardware grade.

不过,在民主党议员第一轮的投票中,海江田143票,野田102票。However, in the first round of voting Democrats in the sea Eda 143 votes, Noda 102 votes.

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该频率计基于电子设计技术,实现了在一片现场可编程门阵列上的数字频率计的设计。A digital cymometer system based on EDA technique is presented, which is realized in FPGA.

关键问题是如何使得EDA工具完全明白制造的问题。The key issue now is how to allow EDA tools to thoroughly understand manufacturing issues.

这里首先提出了一种计算EDA介质等效波速的几何平均法。A geometric mean formula is first derived for the equivalent seismic velocity of EDA media.

为规避纠缠,心灰意冷的埃达带着托托和卢伊萨来到南方的亲戚家。In order to dodge entwine, disenchanted eda with Tod and Lou issa came to southern relatives.

两人的选票会有一定的分流作用,或许会让海江田万里获得优势。Two of the vote there will be some diversion of traffic, may make the sea Eda Miles advantage.

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EDA技术的应用引起了电子产品系统开发的革命性变革。Electronic product and system development are being changed revolutionarily with EDA technology.

1981年,治理职员和开发职员分散出来,这些雄司集中于EDA技术作为一种贸易。In 1981, managers and developers spun out of these companies to concentrate on EDA as a business.

几个月以来,我一直在向丈夫暗示我需要一枚新的结婚戒指,因为我对黄金有点过敏。For months I hinted that In e ed eda n ew wedding ring, since I had dev eloped an allergy to gold.

托马斯劝说埃达不要将卢伊萨拒之,,可埃达还是不肯原谅卢伊萨。Thomas persuade eda don't will rugh rejected asaph, , can eda still refused to forgive rugh pizza.

日本国会参议院议长江田五月向中国人民表示慰问。Eda Satsuki, president of House of Councilors of Japan, conveyed condolences to the Chinese people.

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面对市里一切的人都在谈论卡丁与卢伊萨私奔的事,埃达感到万念俱灰。Facing the city people are talking about all KaDing and Lou issa to elope, eda feel in desperation.

另一种势头正劲的方法是由几个EDA供应商提供的基于工具的解决方案。Another alternative that is gaining momentum is the tool-based approach offered by a few EDA vendors.

本部分工作拟借助于EDA工具采用硬件描述语言VHDL实现循环纠错码的编译码。It is a realization of the cyclical error_correct coder and decoder with the EDA tools by using VHDL.