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大城市里的高层建筑。High-rise Buildings in Big Cit.

六安博羽有限责任公司位于安徽省西部六安地区。Luan max-down co. , ltd is located in Luan cit of western of Anhui province.

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让我们团结一心,共同努力,为常州工学院又好又快的发展贡献自己的力量!Let's get united as one and work hard for the sound and fast development of CIT.

我们回顾性分析了我中心采用电子时工表对于CIT的作用。We retrospectively analyzed the effect of using a timesheet on CIT in our center.

CIT系列逆变充电器是采用先进的逆变技术开发的新产品。CIT Inverter charger is the new-developed product with the advanced inverter tech.

一开始台湾是由郑家统治的,之后才是清,所以你能看到它逐渐的改变它的颜色。Firstly it's ruled by the Zheng Family. then Qing, sou can cit gradually changes its color.

"正常状况下,CIT集团的申请绝不会获得批准,"一位美联储前官员称.""In normal circumstances CIT Group would never have been approved," a former Fed official said.

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其他债权人肯定已从上个秋天学到了教训,也已经在他们向CIT的贷款上做好了防备。Other creditors must have learned the lessons of last fall and have hedge their own loans to CIT too.

其评估增值应缴纳的所得税应由原改组国有企业的股东来承担,不应由改制后的企业承担。The CIT should be charged with shareholders of the original company instead of the company evaluated.

近期,中国国旅假期为您准备了几个旅游热点的特价团。For the next few months, CIT will be offering special tour packages to a number of popular destinations.

在去往英国的途中,财长盖特纳表示坚信政府有能力处理CIT一事.Speaking on a trip to Britain, Geithner said he was confident the government would be able to deal with CIT.

根据截至3月31日的监管文件,包括大都会在内的部分寿险商还持有少数CIT次顺位债或混合债券.Some insurers, including MetLife, also had modest holdings of subordinated or hybrid CIT debt, as of March 31.

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常见的胎紧测度序列例子概念过于抽象,形式比较复杂,理解相当困难,并且一般的书籍资料很少列举。The common concept example of tight sequence of measures is too abstract, and the form is a little cit complicate.

目前,市级以上龙头企业达到160家,其中国家级3家,省级41家。There're 160 cit level and above leading enterprises, including 3 national leadin enterprises and 41 provincial leading enterprises.

这是财政部,美联储和联邦存款保险公司考虑是否要救助CIT集团时面临的棘手问题。That's really the question that's being faced by the Treasury, the Fed and the FDIC as they consider whether or not to rescue CIT Group.

但是三年前,美国人试图把军事手段写入计划,韩国以国家主权为由加以拒绝。But three years ago the Americans sought to add military measures to the plan. Seoul refused, cit ing concerns about national sovereignty.

没有人预计CIT的破产在金融市场上将会引起如同去年秋天莱曼兄弟破产时带来的破坏。Few are predicting that a CIT failure would cause as much havoc in the financial market as the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers did last fall.

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从周四信贷和股票市场的平静反应来看,似乎投资者认为听任CIT自谋生路打的是一张安全牌.Judging from the calm reaction in credit and stock markets on Thursday, it appears investors think leaving CIT to fend for itself is a safe bet.

不过目前仍存在对CIT的有利因素,由于银行收紧银根并缩小贷款账簿规模,很多贷款人选择馀地并不大.One thing helping CIT now, though, is the lack of alternatives for many borrowers, as banks tighten their belts and scale down their loan books.

CIT集团,中小企业商业贷款机构,在大部分债券所有人通过重组计划后,申请破产保护。CIT , a lender to small businesses, filed for bankruptcy protection under a reorganisation plan that had been accepted by most of its bondholders.