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这就是足球。That’s football.

足球还是水球?Football or polo?

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但是,这就是足球。But that's football.

我是一个足球运动员。I'm a football player.

这个是谁的足球?Whose football is this?

他会继续留在足球圈吗?Will he stay in football?

他扑向足球。He dived for the football.

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他最爱踢足球。He likes to play football.

你观看足球比赛时You're at a football game.

当然啦,这不仅限于橄榄球。And it’s not just football.

但是我不喜欢足球。But I do not like football.

不过,足球是一门生意。But football is a business.

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踢踢足球如何?How about playing football?

我踢足球时伤著它的。I hurt it playing football.

足球始源于英国…Football started in Britain.

我们的话题转到了足球上。Our talk turned to football.

足球必须做出表率。Football must set an example.

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我正兴致勃勃的看足球。I am happy watching football.

有没有玩橄榄球的Got any football players here?

他还在橄榄球赛上下注。He also bet on football games.