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诺阿说,海啸不能阻止。NOAA says a tsunami cannot be prevented.

感谢海洋与大气管理局亚太服务中心对本期节目的支持。Our thanks to NOAA Pacific Services Center.

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谨此大力鸣谢NOAA太平洋地区服务中心。Our thanks today to NOAA Pacific Services Center.

美国国家气象局预计今年有8-14个飓风,是2005年创纪录的15个飓风以来的最多一年NOAA sees 8-14 hurricanes, most since record 15 in 2005

美国国家海洋和大气层管理局还将与一些学术和民间组织合作。NOAA also would collaborate with academic and private organizations.

但是,美国国家海洋和大气局发言人说,并非所有的厄尔尼诺影响都是负面的。But the Noaa spokesman said not all not all effects of El Niño are negative.

根据美国海洋和大气局渔业公司称,它们在最可能攻击人类的鲨鱼中排名第三。They are the third most likely shark to attack humans, according to NOAA Fisheries.

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本文阐述了如何利用NOAA资料进行草地监测和产草量估计。This paper described using the NOAA data for grassland monitor and yield estimation.

据NOAA报道,自4月30日以来,已经有超过425只海龟死于漏油事件。More than 425 turtles are known to have died in the spill zone since 30 April, Noaa said.

NOAA计划将KP2迁移到大约200英里以外、西北夏威夷群岛以南的地方。NOAA plans to move KP2 about 200 miles away to just south of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

该署上周表示,今年已有一百五十三只海豚死亡,其中六十五只是新生或尚未出生的小海豚。There have been 153 deaths this year, 65 of them newly born or stillborn calves, NOAA said last week.

在NOAA第一次发现KP2和码头的人们玩耍以后,他们把KP2送到了40英里以外的地方。When NOAA first realized KP2 was playing with people at the wharf, the agency moved him 40 miles away.

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出于对岛上居民安全的考虑,NOAA的官员们正在计划于近期将KP2送到远离莫洛凯岛的地方去。For safety's sake, NOAA officials are planning to have KP2 sent far from Molokai as early as this week.

诺阿现在可以缩短时间,提供海啸警报从平均十五分钟六。NOAA is now able to reduce the time to provide tsunami warnings from an average of fifteen minutes to six.

NASA在马里兰州的Goddard空间飞行中心将负责管理GOES-R设备的采办工作。NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., manages the acquisition of GOES-R instruments for NOAA.

收听国家海洋大气管理局天气广播、电池式的行动收音机或电视上密集降雨的警告。Listen to a NOAA Weather Radio or portable, battery-powered radio or television for warnings of intense rainfall.

针对原NOAA数据的缺点,将GVMI模型应用于MODIS数据,并对其做了一定的改进。Aiming at the defect of NOAA datas, the MODIS data is applied into the GVMI model and several ameliorations are done.

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韦尔斯说,英国石油公司也得到了美国国家海洋与大气管理局的一组人员的帮助。Wells said BP also is getting assistance from a team with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA.

通过一定的比较,推荐暂以美国的NOAA或FDEP泥沙质量标准来进行我国水体泥沙质量的评价。By comparison, the NOAA or FDEP sediment quality standards are recommended for evaluating the sediment quality in waters.

表面海水已经被清理干净,国家海洋大气部在去年夏天将污染海域封锁令渔船无法靠近。The surface waters have cleared and NOAA lifted closures that kept fishing boats out of the water for months last summer.