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应计折旧的固定资产平均总值…Average total value of depreciable fixed assets n.

设立一个基金来替代折旧的资产。To establish a fund for replacing depreciable assets.

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所有符合条件的家庭办公设备都可以折旧。All home office depreciable equipment meets the qualification.

直线折旧法在某资产可用年限内均分折旧成本。The straight-line method of depreciation divides the depreciable cost evenly over the useful life of an asset.

确定折旧费的依据是建筑造价、残值、清理费用和折旧年限。Determining depreciation is based on the construction cost, value, the liquidation costs and depreciable lives.

某些种类的可折旧资产,如汽车和卡车等,有时可以置换成同类的新资产。Certain types of depreciable assets such as automobiles and trucks sometimes are traded in on new assets of the same kind.

例如,要对应计折旧的资产估计其使用期限,还要对折旧方式做出假设。For instance, estimates must be made of the useful lives of depreciable assets and assumptions must be made as to appropriate depreciation methods.

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折旧,是指在固定资产使用寿命内,按照确定的方法对应计折旧额进行系统分摊。The term "depreciation" refers to the systematic amortization of the depreciable amount through a definite method during the useful life of the fixed asset.

对投放于大多数使用中的应计折旧的固定资产方面的投资也享受税额减免,只是建筑物除外。There is also a special tax credit for investment in most kinds of depreciable assets, with the exception of buildings that are acquired and placed in service.

通常将某项资产每年可以注销掉的部分列为该项资产可供折旧金额的一个固定比例会比较方便,这个比例叫折旧率。It often is convenient to state the portion of an asset's depreciable cost which will be written off during the year as a percentage, called the depreciation rate.

年数总和法是以递减分数作为折旧率,分别乘以固定资产净值的折旧方法。Under the Sum of the years digits method, the accountant applies a depreciable fraction to the net value of an asset to obtain the depreciation charge for that year.

在其他情况下,在一年的开始,总的折旧估价中扣掉了销售收益,从而减少了当年度和未来年度的总的折旧价值。In other cases the sales proceeds are deducted from the total depreciable balance at the beginning of the year thus reducing total depreciation for the current and future years.