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上海罗店“北欧风情镇”Luodian "Scandinavian Town"

斯堪的纳维亚金属,黑金属,爵士金属。Scandinavian Metal, Black Metal, Jazz-metal.

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刀刃是斯堪的纳维亚或Scandi研磨。The blade is a Scandinavian or Scandi grind.

在古斯堪的纳维亚语中,极光的意思是“鲱鱼鳞光”。An old Scandinavian name translates as “herring flash”.

在所有的北欧市场中,鼻烟销售额和销量都增长。Snus sales and volumes grew in all Scandinavian markets.

斯堪的纳维亚推广这首歌会从邦尼尔音乐。The Scandinavian promotion of the song will be from Bonnier Music.

后者是任一斯堪的纳维亚定期航线的最大定单。The latter is the largest order placed by any Scandinavian airline.

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斯堪的纳维亚国家的人均IP地址数最高。The Scandinavian countries have the highest number of IPs per person.

对于北极光,斯堪地那维亚的民间传说有着诸多解释。Scandinavian folklore offers numerous explanations for the aurora borealis.

我的家会是两层楼,所有的家具都是北欧风格。My house would have two floors, and all the furniture would be Scandinavian.

从前,有一位伟大的斯堪的纳维亚英雄被一支用槲木制成的箭射死了。A great Scandinavian hero was killed by an arrow made from a mistletoe branch.

维京海盗是一群斯堪的纳维亚士兵组成的。The Vikings make first Contact The Vikings were a group of Scandinavian warriors.

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瑞典人和北欧人没有鲱鱼即无法存活至今。Because, we Swedes, without herrings , we, Scandinavian country, we couldn't live.

在斯堪地纳维亚神话中,彩虹是连接神灵们和地球的桥梁。In Scandinavian mythology the rainbow was a bridge between the gods and the earth.

在芬兰的斯堪地那维亚,仲夏日是一年中的重要节日。In the Scandinavian country of Finland, midsummer is the main festival of the year.

这个位于斯勘的纳维亚半岛的小国当时也在鼓励私人企业从事风力发电。The small Scandinavian nation also was building its commercial wind power business.

英国、日本以及那些斯堪的纳维亚国家于1931年放弃金本位制。Great Britain, Japan, and the Scandinavian countries left the gold standard in 1931.

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我们对丹育及北欧农庄在连云港的未来抱有十分乐观的态度。We are very positive to the future of DanBred and Scandinavian Farms in Lianyungang.

斯堪的纳维亚国家,推车已经被广泛使用了许多年。In the Scandinavian countries, dollies have already been used extensively for many years.

“rug”的起源,据说是从斯堪的纳维亚语和部分日耳曼语中提取出来的。The parent word to rug is reported to be Scandinavian and as such of Germanic extraction.