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他是一名铁面无私的法官。He's an impartial and perspicacious judge.

凡有幽默的素养者,都是聪敏颖悟的。Where the quality of humor, are smart perspicacious.

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灿烂的律师被称为他敏锐的扣除。The brillant lawyer was known for his perspicacious deductions.

他领悟力十分强,是真正明白电影的好演员。He's very perspicacious . He's a good actor who truly understood films.

他是一个怀疑者和洞察者,而并不声称他的解释世界。He is a perspicacious skeptic who makes no claim to be able to explain the world.

甚至研究人性的最聪颖的学者也可能没注意到他性格中的这一特点。Even the most perspicacious of students of human nature may fail to notice this trait in his character.

作为批判现实主义的集大成者,哈代对盛行于维多利亚时代的“进步”神话进行了有力的抨击。As a keen and perspicacious novelist of realism, Hardy debunks the myth of "progress" prevailing in the Victorian age.

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一些更具洞察力的邻居,包括波尔森夫妇,怀疑乔伊也很享受作为那间屋子里最聪明的人的感觉。More perspicacious neighbors, the Paulsens among them, suspected that Joey also enjoyed being the smartest person in the house.

在做访谈期间,她显示了作为非社会学学生对项目的热情和聪颖。At do to interview the period, she showed the conduct and actions non- sociology student's enthusiasm to the item and perspicacious.

苑广睿还透露,“十一五”时期国家将积极推进开征物业税,也就是不动产税。Yuan- perspicacious also disclosed that "Shiyiwu" period will actively promote the introduction of property tax, real estate tax is.

那句锐利的谚语“利于甲者未必利于乙”很可以引申来指这一毫无疑问的事实,即对一人是垃圾的对另一人却是宝贝。That perspicacious proverb about one man's meat being another man's poison could well be stretched to cover the undoubted fact that one man's rubbish is another man's treasure.

所有人无论赞同或者不赞同这个改革,都试图搞清楚这个改革对他们将有什么影响,从自身利益来讲,想搞清楚他们究竟能得到什么,所以,如果我可以的话,我更希望我能写一些独具慧眼的东西。All the groups that stand to win or lose from it are all figuring out what it does to them and they're taking the positions out of self-interest So, I wanted to write something that was more perspicacious if I could manage that.