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例如,那包括马六甲海峡。That includes, for example, the Strait of Malacca.

惟有已预定马六甲上岸观光活动的乘客方可下船。Only those pre-booked on Malacca excursions may disembark.

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上午八时半至下午4时,我们花了约7小时到达马六甲中央。From 8.30am until 4pm, we spent about 7 hours to reach Malacca Central.

我船在马六甲海峡西出口被海盗抢劫后必须弃船。I must abandon vessel after piracy in the west mouth of Malacca Strait.

在1824年签订的英荷之后,马六甲海峡的控制权转到了英国人手中。The British took control of Malacca after the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824.

将近有三分之一的全球贸易运输通过马六甲海峡。As much as a third of the world's trade passes through the Malacca Strait.

简阿七和肇兴收到电报赶往马六甲,却为时已晚。Jane ZhaoXing telex o seven and rushed to the malacca but it was too late.

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前个星期在我们离开马六甲之前,我是最后一个走出CKRM会所的。On 15 March, before we left Malacca , I was the last who walked out of CKRM.

中国五分之四的石油供应要经马六甲海峡。Four-fifths of China's entire supply of oil comes through the Strait of Malacca.

话虽如此,我就不写了从雪兰莪州和马六甲的挑战。Having said that, I will not write off the challenges from Selangor and Malacca.

葡萄牙人攻占了古老的马六甲王国后,大肆地庆祝了一番。The portuguese had a field day when they overran the ancient kingdom of malacca.

警告发出后,新加坡和马来西亚都加强了对马六甲海峡的安保措施。In response to the warning, Singapore and Malaysia boosted Malacca Strait security.

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他是个英俊的人物,穿着干净的灰色西装,头戴一顶灰色的宽沿帽,手里拄着一根马六甲拐杖。He was a handsome figure with his immaculate grey suit and grey hat and malacca stick.

马六甲海峡是世界上最危险和最重要的战略要冲之一。The Strait of Malacca is one of the worlds hottest and most crucial strategic choke points.

马六甲海峡是仅次于英吉利海峡的全球第二条最繁忙海道。Malacca Strait is second only to the English Channel to the world's second busiest sea lanes.

当1509年葡萄牙人逃离马六甲时,他们抛下了被俘的20人。When the Portuguest fled Malacca in 1509, they left behind twenty men who were taken prisoners.

它的石油进口的十分之九要经过印度洋和马六甲海峡。Nearly nine-tenths of its oil imports cross the Indian Ocean and pass through the Malacca Strait.

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1511年,葡萄牙战胜,马六甲海峡成了其殖民地,从此结束了马六甲海峡的伊斯兰君主制。Portugal made Malacca a colony in 1511 by military conquest, thus ending the Sultanate of Malacca.

槟城是三个海峡殖民地英国统治下与马六甲海峡和新加坡。Penang was one of the three Straits Settlements under British rule along with Malacca and Singapore.

西马来西亚为马来地区,位于马来半岛南部,北与泰国接壤,西濒马六甲海峡,东临南中国海。It is bordered on the N by Thailand, the E by the South China Sea, and the W by the Strait of Malacca.